Starred repositories
微信小程序图表库,Charts for WeChat Mini Program
App Debugging & Inspection Tool for Android
功能全面、界面与体验对标 Chrome devtools 的可定制化的小程序开发调试面板
刷算法全靠套路,认准 labuladong 就够了!English version supported! Crack LeetCode, not only how, but also why.
Render After Effects animations natively on Android and iOS, Web, and React Native
RecyclerView? ListView or ViewGroup? No, it's Canvas! Ultra performance and free customization interface! Vertical and horizontal, Fast rendering and extremely low memory. Android上一个优雅、万能自定义UI、仿iOS…
android 4.4以上沉浸式状态栏和沉浸式导航栏管理,适配横竖屏切换、刘海屏、软键盘弹出等问题,可以修改状态栏字体颜色和导航栏图标颜色,以及不可修改字体颜色手机的适配,适用于Activity、Fragment、DialogFragment、Dialog,PopupWindow,一句代码轻松实现,以及对bar的其他设置,详见README。简书请参考:http://www.jianshu.c…
🍈 RecyclerView侧滑菜单,Item拖拽,滑动删除Item,自动加载更多,HeaderView,FooterView,Item分组黏贴。
RecyclerView extension library which provides advanced features. (ex. Google's Inbox app like swiping, Play Music app like drag and drop sorting)
BRVAH:Powerful and flexible RecyclerAdapter
🔥 Android developers should collect the following utils(updating).
Android日历 仿小米 华为 滴答清单 365日历(农历),周视图 月视图 平滑滚动 节假日 五六行周切换 week or month calendar
Demonstrate all the questions on LeetCode in the form of animation.(用动画的形式呈现解LeetCode题目的思路)
💬 Command-line translator using Google Translate, Bing Translator, Yandex.Translate, etc.
Automatically translate iOS App language into multi-language, depends on Baidu translate. 依赖百度翻译,自动把 App 语言文件翻译成多国语言。
[Deprecated!] This is a data visualization project that converts historical data rankings into dynamic bar charts.
Android studio Translate the string.xml plugin(Android studio 一键国际化翻译插件, 适用于在Google play开发app的小伙伴)
Dynamic java method AOP hook for Android(continution of Dexposed on ART), Supporting 5.0~11
Virtual Engine for Android(Support 14.0 in business version)