A generative speech model for daily dialogue.
一键中文数据增强包 ; NLP数据增强、bert数据增强、EDA:pip install nlpcda
🔥An artistic "twitter like" community built on gin+zinc+vue+ts 清新文艺微社区
Machine learning compiler based on MLIR for Sophgo TPU.
An awesome list that curates the best Flutter libraries, tools, tutorials, articles and more.
AoE (AI on Edge,终端智能,边缘计算) 是一个终端侧AI集成运行时环境 (IRE),帮助开发者提升效率。
A complete and graceful API for Wechat. 微信个人号接口、微信机器人及命令行微信,三十行即可自定义个人号机器人。
MOxFIVE / hexo-theme-yelee
Forked from litten/hexo-theme-yilia简而不减 Hexo 双栏博客主题; Another simple and elegant theme for Hexo.
Find memory leaks in your iOS app at develop time.
PLCameraStreamingKit 是 Pili 直播 SDK 的 iOS 推流端,是带有采集模块老版本 SDK。如果是新用户接入,建议使用 PLMediaStreamingKit。该版本支持 RTMP 推流,h.264 和 AAC 编码,硬编软编支持。具有丰富的数据和状态回调,方便用户根据自己的业务定制化开发。具有直播场景下的重要功能,如:美颜、背景音乐、水印等功能。
ffmpeg examples in Android / IOS / WinPhone
A fast, convenient and nonintrusive conversion framework between JSON and model. Your model class doesn't need to extend any base class. You don't need to modify any model file.
An easy way to use pull-to-refresh.
A delightful framework for multifile resumable broken downloads.
Harness the power of AutoLayout NSLayoutConstraints with a simplified, chainable and expressive syntax. Supports iOS and OSX Auto Layout