The golang version of zilliqa blockchain library
golang environment:
The sdk is using go mod
to manager it's dependent libraries, so if you do want to hack the source code of this repository, make sure you have the minimal golang
version that support go mod
and enable it.
Install the dependent libraries:
go get ./...
sdk it self cannot been built into a binary cause it does't have any main
function, you can directly add it to your own project as a library. Also, we recommend that you can run the golang uint test
or go through
the section quick start
first to get a basic understanding before you start to use this sdk.
- fromFile
- toFile
- newHDAccount (with default derivation path "m/44'/313'/0'/0/${index}")
- newHDAccountWithDerivationPath
- createAccount
- addByPrivateKey addByKeyStore
- remove
- setDefault
- signTransaction (default account)
- signTransactionWith (specific account)
- sendTransaction
- trackTx
- confirm
- isPending isInitialised isConfirmed isRejected
- deploy
- call
- isInitialised isDeployed isRejected
- getState
- getAddressForContract
- getDerivedKey (PBKDF2 and Scrypt)
- generatePrivateKey
- Schnorr.sign
- Schnorr.verify
- getPublicKeyFromPrivateKey
- getAddressFromPublicKey
- getAddressFromPrivateKey
- encryptPrivateKey
- decryptPrivateKey
Blockchain-related methods
- getNetworkId
- getBlockchainInfo
- getShardingStructure
- getDsBlock
- getLatestDsBlock
- getNumDSBlocks
- getDSBlockRate
- getDSBlockListing
- getTxBlock
- getLatestTxBlock
- getNumTxBlocks
- getTxBlockRate
- getTxBlockListing
- getNumTransactions
- getTransactionRate
- getCurrentMiniEpoch
- getCurrentDSEpoch
- getPrevDifficulty
- getPrevDSDifficulty
Transaction-related methods
- createTransaction
- getTransaction
- getRecentTransactions
- getTransactionsForTxBlock
- getNumTxnsTxEpoch
- getNumTxnsDSEpoch
- getMinimumGasPrice
Contract-related methods
- getSmartContractCode
- getSmartContractInit
- getSmartContractState
- getSmartContracts
- getContractAddressFromTransactionID
Account-related methods
- getBalance
- isAddress
- isPublicjKey
- isPrivateKey
- isSignature
- byteArrayToHexString
- hexStringToByteArray
- generateMac
- isByteString
- encodeTransactionProto
- toChecksumAddress
- isValidChecksumAddress
- bech32 encode decode
- isBech32
- fromBech32Address toBech32Address
func TestGeneratePrivateKey(t *testing.T) {
for i := 0; i < 100000; i++ {
privateKey, err := GeneratePrivateKey()
if err != nil {
panic("cannot generate private key")
prikeys := LaksaGo.EncodeHex(privateKey[:])
if len(prikeys) != 64 {
panic("generate private key error")
println("private key = " + prikeys)
publickKey := GetPublicKeyFromPrivateKey(LaksaGo.DecodeHex(prikeys), true)
pubkeys := LaksaGo.EncodeHex(publickKey)
if len(pubkeys) != 66 {
panic("generate public key error")
println("public key = " + pubkeys)
func TestKeystore_EncryptPrivateKey(t *testing.T) {
ks := NewDefaultKeystore()
kv, err := ks.EncryptPrivateKey(util.DecodeHex("24180e6b0c3021aedb8f5a86f75276ee6fc7ff46e67e98e716728326102e91c9"), []byte("xiaohuo"), 0)
if err != nil {
} else {
func TestKeystore_DecryptPrivateKey(t *testing.T) {
json := "{\"address\":\"b5c2cdd79c37209c3cb59e04b7c4062a8f5d5271\",\"id\":\"979daaf9-daf1-4002-8656-3cea134c9518\",\"version\":3,\"crypto\":{\"cipher\":\"aes-128-ctr\",\"ciphertext\":\"26be10cdae0f397bdeead38e7fcc179957dd5e7ef95a1f0f53f37b7ad1355159\",\"kdf\":\"pbkdf2\",\"mac\":\"81d8e60bc08237e4ba154c0b27ad08562821d8c602ee8a492434128de48b66bc\",\"cipherparams\":{\"iv\":\"fc714ad6267c35a2df4cb3f8b8b3cc0d\"},\"kdfparams\":{\"n\":8192,\"c\":262144,\"r\":8,\"p\":1,\"dklen\":32,\"salt\":\"e22ef8a67a59299cee1532b6c6967bdfb0e75ca3c5dff852f9d8daa04683b0c1\"}}}"
ks := NewDefaultKeystore()
privateKey, err := ks.DecryptPrivateKey(json, "xiaohuo")
if err != nil {
} else {
if strings.Compare(strings.ToLower(privateKey), "24180e6b0c3021aedb8f5a86f75276ee6fc7ff46e67e98e716728326102e91c9") != 0 {
t.Error("decrypt private key failed")
func TestSendTransaction(t *testing.T) {
wallet := NewWallet()
provider := provider2.NewProvider("")
result, err := provider.GetMinimumGasPrice()
if err != nil {
gasPrice := result.Result.(string)
tx := &transaction.Transaction{
Version: strconv.FormatInt(int64(util.Pack(333, 1)), 10),
SenderPubKey: "0246E7178DC8253201101E18FD6F6EB9972451D121FC57AA2A06DD5C111E58DC6A",
ToAddr: "4BAF5faDA8e5Db92C3d3242618c5B47133AE003C",
Amount: "10000000",
GasPrice: gasPrice,
GasLimit: "1",
Code: "",
Data: "",
Priority: false,
err = wallet.Sign(tx, *provider)
if err != nil {
rsp, err := provider.CreateTransaction(tx.ToTransactionPayload())
if err != nil {
if rsp.Error != nil {
} else {
result := rsp.Result.(map[string]interface{})
hash := result["TranID"].(string)
fmt.Printf("hash is %s\n", hash)
tx.Confirm(hash, 1000, 3, provider)
func TestContract_Deploy(t *testing.T) {
host := ""
privateKey := "e19d05c5452598e24caad4a0d85a49146f7be089515c905ae6a19e8a578a6930"
chainID := 333
msgVersion := 1
publickKey := keytools.GetPublicKeyFromPrivateKey(util.DecodeHex(privateKey), true)
address := keytools.GetAddressFromPublic(publickKey)
pubkey := util.EncodeHex(publickKey)
provider := provider2.NewProvider(host)
wallet := account.NewWallet()
code, _ := ioutil.ReadFile("./fungible.scilla")
init := []Value{
"0x" + address,
contract := Contract{
Code: string(code),
Init: init,
Signer: wallet,
Provider: provider,
result, _ := provider.GetBalance(address)
nonce, _ := result.Result.(map[string]interface{})["nonce"].(json.Number).Int64()
result, _ = provider.GetMinimumGasPrice()
gasPrice := result.Result.(string)
deployParams := DeployParams{
Version: strconv.FormatInt(int64(util.Pack(chainID, msgVersion)), 10),
Nonce: strconv.FormatInt(nonce+1, 10),
GasPrice: gasPrice,
GasLimit: "10000",
SenderPubKey: pubkey,
tx, err := contract.Deploy(deployParams)
if err != nil {
tx.Confirm(tx.ID, 1000, 10, provider)
func TestContract_Call(t *testing.T) {
host := ""
privateKey := "e19d05c5452598e24caad4a0d85a49146f7be089515c905ae6a19e8a578a6930"
chainID := 333
msgVersion := 1
publickKey := keytools.GetPublicKeyFromPrivateKey(util.DecodeHex(privateKey), true)
address := keytools.GetAddressFromPublic(publickKey)
pubkey := util.EncodeHex(publickKey)
provider := provider2.NewProvider(host)
wallet := account.NewWallet()
contract := Contract{
Address: "bd7198209529dC42320db4bC8508880BcD22a9f2",
Signer: wallet,
Provider: provider,
args := []Value{
"0x" + address,
res, err := provider.GetBalance("9bfec715a6bd658fcb62b0f8cc9bfa2ade71434a")
nonce, _ := res.Result.(map[string]interface{})["nonce"].(json.Number).Int64()
n := nonce + 1
result, _ := provider.GetMinimumGasPrice()
gasPrice := result.Result.(string)
params := CallParams{
Nonce: strconv.FormatInt(n, 10),
Version: strconv.FormatInt(int64(util.Pack(chainID, msgVersion)), 10),
GasPrice: gasPrice,
GasLimit: "1000",
SenderPubKey: pubkey,
Amount: "0",
tx, err := contract.Call("Transfer", args, params, true)
if err != nil {
tx.Confirm(tx.ID, 1000, 3, provider)