Offical implementation of "Attention Spiking Neural Networks" (IEEE T-PAMI2023)
Offical implementation of "Spike-driven Transformer" (NeurIPS2023)
ICLR 2023, Spikformer: When Spiking Neural Network Meets Transformer
Transformer implementation with PyTorch for remaining useful life prediction on turbofan engine with NASA CMAPSS data set. Inspired by Mo, Y., Wu, Q., Li, X., & Huang, B. (2021). Remaining useful l…
turbofan degradation data from
PyTorch implementation of remaining useful life prediction with long-short term memories (LSTM), performing on NASA C-MAPSS data sets. Partially inspired by Zheng, S., Ristovski, K., Farahat, A., &…
🔥LeetCode solutions in any programming language | 多种编程语言实现 LeetCode、《剑指 Offer(第 2 版)》、《程序员面试金典(第 6 版)》题解
Stanford University CS231n 2016 winter assignments
This project contains some interesting image processing algorithms that were wrote in python and c++ from scratch.
lisai9093 / YYS
Forked from anywhere2go/auto_player阴阳师自动挂机脚本(挂机御魂,觉醒,探索狗粮,斗技,百鬼夜行)
"20 newsgroups" dataset - Text Classification using Multinomial Naive Bayes in Python.