Excelfore unibase library must be installed.
POSIX library is basically needed. To port some program which is built with this 'combase' library into non-POSIX platform, '*_NON_POSIX_H' part in the header files must support relplacements of the following macro definitions.
bindings macros to posix socket functions particularly on ethernet functionalities. One unique feature is supporting of virtual network and ptp devices.
Testing network programs, especially for raw ethernet, is not easy on a build machine. Using virtual network and ptp devices, it can be easily done, and unit tests can include a lot more tests.
For more detail, look at cb_ethernet.h
Binding macros and utility functions to posix socket functions particularly for network layer functions.
For more detail, look at cb_inet.h
bindings macros to posix thread,mutex and semaphore functions.
For more detail, look at cb_thread.h
utility functions to use local socket
For more detail, look at cb_ipcsock.h
utility functions to use timer and event hadling.
For more detail, look at cb_tmevent.h
utility functions to use shared memory
For more detail, look at cb_ipcshmem.h
utility functions to use an independent platform timer.
For more detail, look at cb_xtimer.h
utility functions to calculate CRC.
For more detail, look at cb_crc.h