Custom Gesture Recognizer in Swift SpriteKit
Credit This was implemented in SpriteKit following the tutorial and example code by @csgulley — Creating a Gesture Recognizer in Swift.
His repository of code is here: Repo
This is a rotation gesture recognizer similar to UIRotationGestureRecognizer but it tracks a single touch as it rotates around the center of the view. You might use it to implement a knob-type control. It is implemented in Swift. You can read about its development at Creating a Gesture Recognizer in Swift.
Copy SingleTouchRotationGestureRecognizer into your project. It behaves similarly to UIRotationGestureRecognizer. Example:
override func viewDidLoad() {
recognizer = SingleTouchRotationGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: "rotated:")
func rotated(sender: SingleTouchRotationGestureRecognizer) {
print("rotation: \(sender.rotation)")
print("velocity: \(sender.velocity)")
The rotation property indicates total rotation since the gesture began in radians. A positive value indicates clockwise rotation and a negative value indicates couterclockwise rotation.
The velocity property indicates the angular velocity in radians/second.
ViewController.swift has some sample code that uses the gesture recognizer to rotate a view in response to touch events.
SingleTouchRotationGestureRecognizer is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.