This plugin adds the logging view into the 'observe' menu in the OpenShift console. It requires OpenShift 4.10.
This plugin connects to a loki backend, you can install the loki-operator in your cluster.
Node.js and npm are required to build and run the plugin. To run OpenShift console in a container, either Docker or podman 3.2.0+ and oc are required.
Make sure you have loki running on http://localhost:3100
- Install the dependencies running
make install
- Start the backend
make start-backend
- In a different terminal start the frontend
make start-frontend
- In a different terminal start the console
oc login
(requires oc and an OpenShift cluster) b.make start-console
(requires Docker or podman 3.2.0+)
This will create an environment file web/scripts/env.list
and run the OpenShift console
in a container connected to the cluster you've logged into. The plugin backend server
runs on port 9002 with CORS enabled.
The dynamic console plugin is configured to connect to loki using a proxy
, in local mode this will point
to http://localhost:3100
. You can disable this by re-running the console with
npm run start:console -c
to use the cluster proxy
Navigate to http://localhost:9000/monitoring/logs to see the running plugin.
make test-unit
make test-frontend
this will build the frontend in standalone mode and run the cypress tests
You can deploy the plugin to a cluster by instantiating the provided Plugin Resources. It will use the latest plugin docker image and run a light-weight go HTTP server to serve the plugin's assets.
oc create -f logging-view-plugin-resources.yml
Once deployed, patch the Console operator config to enable the plugin.
oc patch cluster \
--patch '{ "spec": { "plugins": ["logging-view-plugin"] } }' --type=merge
The plugin can be configured by mounting a ConfigMap in the deployment and passing the -plugin-config-path
flag with the file path, for example:
ConfigMap with plugin configuration
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: logging-view-plugin-config
namespace: openshift-logging
app: logging-view-plugin logging-view-plugin
config.yaml: |-
logsLimit: 200
timeout: '60s'
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: logging-view-plugin
namespace: openshift-logging
app: logging-view-plugin logging-view-plugin logging-view-plugin logging-view-plugin openshift-logging
replicas: 1
app: logging-view-plugin
app: logging-view-plugin
- name: logging-view-plugin
image: ""
- "-plugin-config-path"
- "/etc/plugin/config.yaml"
- name: plugin-config
readOnly: true
mountPath: /etc/plugin/config.yaml
subPath: config.yaml
- name: plugin-conf
name: logging-view-plugin-config
defaultMode: 420
Field | Description | Default | Unit |
timeout | fetch timeout when requesting logs | 30s |
duration |
logLimit | maximum logs to be requested | 100 |
units |
alertingRuleTenantLabelKey | name of the alerting rule label used to match the tenantId for log-based alerts. Allows log-based alerts to request metrics to the proper tenant endpoint | tenantId |
string |
alertingRuleNamespaceLabelKey | name of the label used to filter alerting rules by namespace | kubernetes_namespace_name |
string |
useTenantInHeader | whether or not the tenant header X-Scope-OrgID should be used instead of using the tenant in the URL request |
false |
boolean |
make build-image
From 5.6.1+, apart from the core functionality, the plugin offers additional features that can be enabled using the -features
flag with comma separated values. For example:
In OpenShift console, these features will be enabled by the Cluster Logging Operator based on the cluster version.
Feature | Description |
dev-console |
Adds the logging view to the developer perspective |
alerts |
Merges the OpenShift console alerts with log-based alerts defined in the Loki ruler. Adds a log-based metrics chart in the alert detail view |
dev-alerts |
Merges the OpenShift console alerts with log-based alerts defined in the Loki ruler. Adds a log-based metrics chart in the alert detail view for the developer perspective |
CLO version | OCP versions | Features |
5.5 | 4.10 (tech preview), 4.11, 4.12 | No features configuration, just core functionallity |
5.6.1+ | 4.10 (tech preview), 4.11 | No additional features, just core functionallity |
5.6.1+ | 4.12, 4.13 | dev-console |
5.7 | 4.11 | No additional features, just core functionallity |
5.7 | 4.12 | dev-console |
5.7 | 4.13 | dev-console , alerts |
5.8 | 4.14 | dev-console , alerts , dev-alerts |