A Django client of China Mobile Enterprise SMS, which uses Celery queue for sending and scheduling messages.
To enable django-celery-empp
for your project, you need to add djcelery_empp
and djcelery
INSTALLED_APPS += ("djcelery_empp", "djcelery", )
then add the following lines to your settings.py
SMS_HOST = '' # the ip of chinamobile empp server
SMS_PORT = 9981 # server port
SMS_ACCOUNT = '10650123456789' # your account
SMS_PASSWORD = 'password' # your password
To send messages is very simple:
from djcelery_empp import send_sms
receiver = '12345678901'
content = u'hello world'
send_sms(receiver, content)
If you need to send messages only in certain time intervals in a day, please also set the EMPP_VALID_INTERVALS
in your settings.py
from datetime import time
(time(hour = 8), time(hour = 12, minute = 30)),
(time(hour = 14), time(hour = 21)),
from djcelery_empp import schedule_sms
schedule_sms(receiver, content)
the scheduler will send the message in the beginning of next valid time interval (maybe in the next day), or immediately if current time is in any of the intervals.