A Python implementation for the frequency analysis tool SUSSIX (R. Bartolini, F. Schmidt et al.) used to study beam dynamics in particle accelerators, https://cds.cern.ch/record/702438/.
Sussix is a generic NAFF approach which benefits from a well-optimized solver (sussix/optimise.py
) to find the frequencies up to machine precision in a lot of cases. A Hann window is used to help with the convergence (sussix/windowing.py
An insightful description of the NAFF algorithm is provided in the textbook by A. Wolski, section 11.5: A Numerical Method: Frequency Map Analysis (https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/9781783262786_0011)
pip install sussix
Examples can be found in the examples
folder. The spectrum of the data is computed using position-momentum data and the order of the Hann window can be specified by the user. Altough the algorithm works with position-only data, the use of position-momentum is preferred if possible.
The tune of a signal can be obtained from real or complexe signals as suchs:
# Using the position only:
# Or position-momentum
Phase space trajectories (x,px,y,py,zeta,pzeta) are used to extract the spectral lines of the signal with the get_spectrum()
function. The number of harmonics is specified with the number_of_harmonics
argument. Again, the function can be used with position only or position-momentum (preferred) information.
# Individual spectrum
# From position only:
sussix.get_spectrum(x,number_of_harmonics = 5,Hann_order = 1)
# From position-momentum
sussix.get_spectrum(x,px,number_of_harmonics = 5,Hann_order = 1)
# Or can pass multiple canonical pairs with kwargs
sussix.get_spectrum(x = None,
px = None,
y = None,
py = None,
zeta = None,
pzeta = None,
number_of_harmonics = 5,
Hann_order = 1)
# -> returns df where df['x'] has the complex amplitudes (amplitude + phase)
# and frequencies in the x plane
The indices (j,k,l,m) of the resonant frequencies can be found using find_linear_combinations()
as done in the original SUSSIX code.
The phase space trajectory can also be reconstructed from the frequency content using generate_signal()
, which simply sums the phasors optained from sussix. If the spectrum was obtained from position only, the user should discard the px output from generate_signal
x,px = sussix.generate_signal(spectrum.amplitude,spectrum.frequency,np.arange(int(1e4)))
# Or if spectrum comes from position only:
x,_ = sussix.generate_signal(spectrum.amplitude,spectrum.frequency,np.arange(int(1e4)))