* Conky script - PHP Bitcoin ticker (desktop graphic & price change alerter)
* I've made this script:
* - Show exchanges prices at Conky terminal embedd on your desktop(linux)
* - Generate an Alert on relevant price changes
* - Draw a graphic on desktop to easily see the price change
* @package php-bitcointicker-cmdline
* @version 1.0
* @category conky
* @author intrd - http://dann.com.br/
* @copyright 2016 intrd
* @license Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
* @link https://github.org/intrd/php-bitcointicker-cmdline/
* Dependencies: Yes, see README.md
apt-get update & apt-get upgrade
apt-get install php5-curl php5-sqlite php5-cli php5-mcrypt
git clone http://github.com/intrd/php-bitcointicker-cmdline/
Stay outside and clone all dependencies below..
git clone http://github.com/intrd/php-common/
mkdir TMP
... add this to your .conkyrc
${color CC9900}BITCOIN TICKER ${hr 2}$color
${execi 300 php /home/intrd/dev/php-bitcointicker-cmdline/index.php | fold -w85}
${execgraph -l php /home/intrd/dev/php-bitcointicker-cmdline/index.php graph}
Where 300 is update interval and w85 is your conky column size.