- Level 1 by Unity (F1)
- Level 2 by Jiří Novotný (F2) - Feature Bombs
- Level 3 by Oliver Pačut (F3) - Portals
- Level 3 by Kristína Zákopčanová (F4) - Potions
- After either icon in bottom left corner lights up, press 'space' to drop the bomb.
- Changes - various parameters adjusted (thresholds, timers, damage...)
- Telepads are placed around the level, and the player can use them to move around instantly
- Changes - Added new assets
- After you kill a Hellephant, a potion appears lying on the ground. Walk towards the potion to pick it up and heal yourself.
- Changes - Spawn points are eventually in the original locations. After implementing my original intent, the course of the game did not match my ideas with regard to how I wanted to use a narrow passage in the Lego bricks.