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Releases: xtyangpsp/HypoInvPy

Bugfixes and improvements

30 Jan 17:51
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The major change in this release is the ability to convert the phase picks and catalog from QuakeFlow/GAMMA workflow to HypoInverse format. We also added some functionality to convert station information file in json to the format for hypo inverse. Added way to retrieve magnitude.

Major changes (see changes.txt for details).

  1. Added station file converter from json to csv for gamma output format.
  2. Moved conv_gamma() here. Added magnitude and corrected for event id preservation.


  1. Improved reformat_stainfo() for use case of only channel type, without component information.
    Added options to take input in json from EQT or GAMMA.
  2. Debugged conv_gamma() for phase data conversion and moved it to UTILS.
  3. Added the option to specify magnitude dictionary when merging the summary files.
  4. generate_parfile(): Added option to calculate magnitude (not effective yet, need more debugging).

Just for Zenodo archive

24 Feb 04:33
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This is a release to have Zenodo archive synced.

First release

30 Dec 03:20
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First release of the hypoinverse interface package.