Simplified machine-learning driven earthquake detection, location, and analysis.
Python Library for running NonLinLoc. Includes Scat2Angle and XYZ2Angle
Probabilistic, Non-Linear, Global-Search Earthquake Location in 3D Media
Interface for HypoInverse & HypoDD, implemented with Python.
Tutorials and updated codes for the research paper: 'Siamese Earthquake Transformer: A pair-input deep-learning model for earthquake detection and phase picking on a seismic array.'
This code is to separate teleseismic earthquake signals and noise signals.
A collection of scripts to steer HypoDD by Felix Waldhauser.
Imaging parameters and the resultant velocity model for the Great Sitkin FWANT paper.
An algorithm that detects one-dimensional sequences in complex datasets
Seismic Ambient Noise Three-Station Interferometry
This repo contains my introductory python textbook for astronomy students, which covers the basics of learning the language with an emphasis on astronomical applications.
The Python ensemble sampling toolkit for affine-invariant MCMC
Complete framework for earthquake detection and location: Backprojection and matched-filtering (BPMF), with methods for automatic picking, relocation and efficient waveform stacking.
Python framework for seismic noise tomography
A collection of methods for data stacking
A tool for modeling and source inversion of auto- and cross-correlations of ambient seismic "noise".
Anomaly detection using LoOP: Local Outlier Probabilities, a local density based outlier detection method providing an outlier score in the range of [0,1].
A set of scripts to run measurements of fractional velocity change dv/v on cross-correlations of ambient seismic noise.
Tools to make weather data accessible and useful.
Codes to produce key figures to check earthquakes
A set of Python programmable filters/sources to allow ParaView open-source, multi-platform data analysis and visualization application to display EMC netCDF/GeoCSV models along with other auxiliary…
A Python package for Horizontal-to-Vertical (H/V, HVSR) Spectral Ratio Processing.