Markit on Demand
- Colorado, US
- http://www.kennysax.com
awesome-behavioral-interviews Public
Forked from ashishps1/awesome-behavioral-interviewsThis repository contains tips and resources to prepare for behavioral interviews.
GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJan 2, 2024 -
Startup-CTO-Handbook Public
Forked from ZachGoldberg/Startup-CTO-HandbookThe Startup CTO's Handbook, a book covering leadership, management and technical topics for leaders of software engineering teams
Other UpdatedOct 23, 2023 -
system-design-101 Public
Forked from ByteByteGoHq/system-design-101Explain complex systems using visuals and simple terms. Help you prepare for system design interviews.
Other UpdatedOct 21, 2023 -
engineering-management Public
Forked from charlax/engineering-managementA collection of inspiring resources related to engineering management and tech leadership
Shell MIT License UpdatedOct 31, 2022 -
wheel-of-lunch Public
Forked from UsainBloot/wheel-of-lunchHTML5 randomised spinning wheel to select a place to eat by using a RESTful API to fetch local places.
JavaScript UpdatedAug 12, 2015 -
code-cracker Public
Forked from code-cracker/code-crackerAn analyzer library for C# and VB that uses Roslyn to produce refactorings, code analysis, and other niceties.
C# Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 1, 2015 -
RazorGenerator Public
Forked from RazorGenerator/RazorGeneratorA Custom Tool for Visual Studio that allows processing Razor files at design time instead of runtime, allowing them to be built into an assembly for simpler reuse and distribution.
C# UpdatedApr 22, 2015 -
FluentValidation Public
Forked from FluentValidation/FluentValidationA small validation library for .NET that uses a fluent interface and lambda expressions for building validation rules.
C# Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 10, 2015 -
flat-color-icons Public
Forked from icons8/flat-color-iconsFree Flat Color Icons
alfred-terminal-commands Public
Forked from gnestor/alfred-terminal-commandsSearch OS X Terminal commands from Alfred 2
Ruby UpdatedFeb 18, 2015 -
dotnet Public
Forked from microsoft/dotnetdotnet is the official home of .NET on GitHub. It's a starting point to find .NET OSS projects from Microsoft, including those that are part of the .NET Foundation.
MIT License UpdatedNov 20, 2014 -
TypeScript Public
Forked from microsoft/TypeScriptTypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
TypeScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 20, 2014 -
home-1 Public
Forked from dotnet-foundation/foundationThis is the hub for all the projects that are part of the .NET Foundation.
UpdatedNov 19, 2014 -
omnisharp-sublime Public
Forked from OmniSharp/omnisharp-sublimeC# IDE Plugin for Sublime Text 3
Home Public
Forked from dotnet/aspnetcoreThe Home repository is the starting point for people to learn about ASP.NET 5.
PowerShell Other UpdatedNov 12, 2014 -
material-design-icons Public
Forked from google/material-design-iconsMaterial Design icons by Google
CSS Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International UpdatedOct 22, 2014 -
alfred-bundler Public
Forked from shawnrice/alfred-bundlera utility / workflow to handle dependencies
PHP MIT License UpdatedOct 17, 2014 -
Luxinate Public
Forked from stephen-bunn/luxinateAlfred.v2 Streamed Media Downloader Workflow
Python UpdatedAug 29, 2014 -
F2 - The Open Financial Framework
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 6, 2014 -
Alfred.framework Public
Forked from phyllisstein/Alfred.frameworkAn Objective-C framework for creating Alfred v2 workflows.
Objective-C Other UpdatedAug 2, 2014 -
chrome-app-samples Public
Forked from GoogleChrome/chrome-extensions-samplesChrome Apps
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 30, 2014 -
edge Public
Forked from tjanczuk/edgeRun .NET and Node.js code in-process on Windows, MacOS, and Linux
C++ Other UpdatedMay 6, 2014 -
MOD.Web.Element Public
Forked from markitondemand/MOD.Web.ElementAn Object Oriented, MVC-friendly approach to rendering HTML in C#
C# Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 25, 2014 -
jQuery.Validation.Unobtrusive.Native Public
Forked from johnnyreilly/jQuery.Validation.Unobtrusive.NativeProvides MVC HTML helper extensions that marry jQuery Validation's native unobtrusive support for validation driven by HTML 5 data attributes with MVC's ability to generate data attributes from Mod…
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 10, 2014 -
alfred-workflow-gauth Public
Forked from moul/alfred-workflow-gauthGoogle Authenticator Workflow for Alfred2
XML MIT License UpdatedMar 27, 2014 -
polymer Public
Forked from Polymer/polymerLeverage the future of the web platform today.
JavaScript BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedFeb 21, 2014 -
AspNetTemplatesForMono Public
Forked from chrisfcarroll/AspNetTemplatesForMonoAsp.Net MVC4 projects on .Net 4 and .Net 4.5 which work on Mono
JavaScript UpdatedJan 18, 2014 -
Soundflower Public
Forked from RogueAmoeba/Soundflower-OriginalMacOS system extension that allows applications to pass audio to other applications.
Objective-C GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedDec 23, 2013