Lightweight, fast, stable, and programmable component-based rule engine/process engine. Component reuse, synchronous/asynchronous orchestration, dynamic orchestration, multi-language scripting supp…
High performance Java APM. Powered by ASM. Try it. Test it. If you feel its better, use it.
crossoverJie / TProfiler
Forked from alibaba/TProfilerTProfiler是一个可以在生产环境长期使用的性能分析工具
Monitorize all the hardware sensors of your PC using Java
📝 Java 数据结构和算法 | Algorithms and data structures implemented in Java with explanations and links to further readings
A tiny IoC container refer to Spring.
AliSQL is a MySQL branch originated from Alibaba Group. Fetch document from Release Notes at bottom.
《玩转 MyBatis :深度解析与定制》配套源码
A step by step guide to create an application supporting third-party plugins in Java and Spring boot
xuesong8768 / MyBatisCN
Forked from yeecode/MyBatisCNMyBatis中文详尽注释版。书籍《通用源码阅读指导书——MyBatis源码详解》配套注释版源码。
zonghaishang / dubbo-samples
Forked from apache/dubbo-samplessamples for Apache Dubbo (incubating)
The java implementation of Apache Dubbo. An RPC and microservice framework.
↥ ↥ ↥ 点击关注更新,基于 Spring Cloud 2024 、Spring Boot 3.4、 OAuth2 的 RBAC 权限管理系统