If you are using ILIAS 4.1 - 4.2 please use version 0.0.4 or the 'pre-43' branch: https://github.com/jrocho/ILIAS-Etherpad-Lite-Plugin/tags Refer to the README file contained in that version
If your are updating from a previous version, please refer to the update section below.
Please refer to the Etherpad Lite installation instructions
IMPORTANT: Before you start the Etherpad Lite service, turn off "minify" in the settings.json otherwise the JavaScript modifications (see section 2 of this documentation) won't take effect.
Some recommendations on this: place the Etherpad Lite server behind a reverse proxy, move it from SQLite to MySQL, setup an Init script (to start the Etherpad Lite server automatically), install abiword for PDF/Word/OpenOffice import/export. Everything is described in the Etherpad Lite wiki on GitHub.
This was tested with Debian 5 (using the Debian 6 script) and Debian 6 with nginx and Apache reverse proxy setups.
If you want to only allow access to your pad server to ILIAS user with a session (no direct access to you pad domain) set
"requireSession" : true,
in the settings.json of Etherpad Lite
Set the IP address in the settings.json to
"ip": "",
As of v1.0.0 the Etherpad-Lite Plugin contains support for the EtherpadLite ep_headings plugin. To install Etherpad-Lite Plugins in Etherpad-Lite please configure an admin user in your settings.json (in the Etherpad-Lite folder) and then open the URL http://YOUR-PAD-SERVER/admin/plugins
Copy the file pad.js.sample to "static/custom/pad.js" within your etherpad-lite (server) folder. It add the functionality to add/remove individual functions from within ILIAS.
Copy the plugin files to Customizing/global/plugins/Services/Repository/RepositoryObject/EtherpadLite/ in the directory structure of your ILIAS installation
Login to your ILIAS installation as an administrator and visit Administration -> Modules, Services and Plugins -> Administrate (on the "RepositoryObject" row [the second column of that row should already list the plugin as "EtherpadLite"]).
Click on "Update" and the on "Activate". The plugin should now be available and you can start to add Etherpads in you courses. You might need to allow the creation of "Etherpad Lite" objects in your role administration.
As of v1.0.0 the plugin has to be configured via the ILIAS Administration -> Modules, Services and Plugins -> Administrate (on the "RepositoryObject" row (the second column of that row should already list the plugin as "EtherpadLite") -> Configure
All settings can be configured at that point. It also allows you to configure what buttons users see and if Etherpad object owners can change the settings for individual Etherpads.
Replace the files in your ILIAS plugin directory for EtherpadLite (Customizing/global/plugins/Services/Repository/RepositoryObject/EtherpadLite/).
Open up the Administration Panel and navigate to the repository object plugin administration. Check if the plugin needs to be updated and please also reload the language files for the plugin.
Once updating from a previous version to v1.0.0 or later your configuration from the etherpadlite.ini.php will be automatically imported into the database and further configuration is possible via the ILIAS administration panel.
After updating to a v1.0.0+ version you are free to delete the old etherpadlite.ini.php. Please also check the individual configuration options in the ILIAS administration page for this plugin to see if the configuration is set to your needs.
Please be sure to update the settings.json of Etherpad-Lite and add
// Session Key, used for reconnecting user sessions
// Set this to a secure string at least 10 characters long. Do not share this value.
"sessionKey" : "",
if you are updating from a EtherpadLite version pre v1.2.7. You—of course—need to add a random string.
Please replace your /src/static/custom/pad.js with the one provided in pad.js.sample. Otherwise the hiding/showing of buttons in the toolbar will not work anymore.
As of Plugin v1.1.1 there is a new setting in the administration which sets the version of the Etherpad-Lite Server. Please choose the right version.
As of v1.0.1 of this ILIAS plugin it is recommended to use Etherpad-Lite higher than v1.2.7
- compatibility with ILIAS 5.2
- 'Uninstall' now removes the EtherpadLite tables
- 5.1 compatibility
- further CSS fix for 5.0
- SVG Icons for ILIAS 5.0
- fix for Mantis report http://ilias.de/mantis/view.php?id=14209
- New Version of pad.js.sample (compatible with Etherpad-Lite Server >= v1.4)
- New Setting in plugins administration for the Etherpad-Lite server version (please set it accordingly)
- CSS fix for ILIAS 5.0
- Write protection for Etherpads. There is a new setting in the administration which gives administrators of Etherpads the possibility to enable write protection for in individual Etherpads. This feature is turned on by default. Feature thanks to Eric Laubmeyer, Hochschule RheinMain.
- Updated for ILIAS 5.0
- added option to disable HTTP certificate verification
- added path as a configuration option, if the EtherpadLite is in a sub-directory of the server.
- fixed bug when deleting pads from trash
- Updated for ILIAS 4.4
- removed old .svn directory from templates/default
- hide EtherpadLite object from course members when it is set to offline
- setting default text for EtherpadLite fixed
- patches the API library for EtherpadLite v1.2.7
- fixed database bug when creating Etherpads with the chat function disabled
- added language variables
A major update for the ILIAS 4.3 version of the plugin. Thanks to contributions by Timon Amstutz from the University of Bern.
- Configuration now directly done in the ILIAS administration (instead of the old etherpadlite.ini.php)
- Support for the ep_headings plugin (for Etherpad-Lite)
- Security improvements (individual Group for each EtherpadLite-Plugin object)
- Enable/disable global EtherpadLite options via the ILIAS administration or allow EtherpadLite owners to configure pads individually
- Fullscreen mode
- database Bugfix (introduced in v0.0.6)
Only available for ILIAS 4.3.
- removed the need to edit the etherpad.js file
- Added preferences to disable/enable user colors, chat, line numbers and the control buttons for individual Etherpads
- same as v0.0.4 but modified for ILIAS 4.3
- Updated copyright notice, removed example code, general code clean-up (latest version for ILIAS 4.2)
Jan Rocho [email protected]
Contributions by: Timon Amstutz [email protected]
Etherpad Lite PHP Client library (modified) from: https://github.com/TomNomNom/etherpad-lite-client
Modified for HTTPS support