Plugin to add Sign in/Sign up button into pages opening one modalbox where the user can do login/register filling the form.
Only Anonymous
Only standard users are allowed to use this method. For instance Apache/Shibboleth ... are not allowed.
No special configuration for migrated users
No special configuration for users who have a registration code.
(Administration->Authentication and Registration -> (TAB)ILIAS Auth/Self-Registration (Radiobutton) Registration with Codes This type allows self-registration of users but requires a valid code.
Captcha configuration is not used.
##User registration
Users registered via plugin are configured as follows:
- Terms of service accepted.
- Activated automatically.
- Time limit "Unlimited".
- First name = User name.
- Last name = User name.
To avoid user redirection to "Complete your Profile" don't set required fields in the user administration. Administration -> User Management -> Settings -> Standard Fields/ Custom Fields.
Users registered via plugin have time limit "Unlimited".