- Dominican Republic
- https://vtrejo.trejosoft.com
- Pro
react-crud-table Public
A table that includes all the CRUD operations.
react-blockly-drawer Public
A React component to play with Blockly
SunFounder_SensorKit_for_RPi2 Public
Forked from sunfounder/SunFounder_SensorKit_for_RPi2SunFounder Sensor Kit V2.0 for Raspberry Pi 2
Python GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedSep 29, 2022 -
Adafruit_Python_PCA9685 Public
Forked from adafruit/Adafruit_Python_PCA9685Python code to use the PCA9685 PWM servo/LED controller with a Raspberry Pi or BeagleBone black.
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 2, 2021 -
computer-vision Public
Computer vision algorithms and practices for academic purposes
Python MIT License UpdatedJan 13, 2021 -
machine-learning Public
Solving machine learning problems for academic purposes.
activities-app Public
An application for communities to create activities and get together.
algorithms Public
Algorithms implementations and practices for academic purposes
jest-puppeteer Public
Forked from argos-ci/jest-puppeteerRun your tests using Jest & Puppeteer 🎪✨
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 5, 2019 -
rights-selector Public
A Simple component to select rights
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 13, 2018 -
bem-react-component-creator Public
Helpers to create BEM like React components
json-table Public
A Simple component to show an object in a table format.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMay 29, 2018 -
trebol-api-starter-kit Public
A starter kit for your API projects.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMay 24, 2018 -
An util to generate service API consumers from a Swagger specification.
react-app-starter-kit Public
A boiler plate project to start coding your React application right away.
simple-json-requester Public
A simple util to make json requests
express-swagger-generator Public
Forked from makeen-project/express-swagger-generatorGenerates swagger doc & ui based on express existing routes.
JavaScript UpdatedMay 2, 2018 -
node-simple-server-functions Public
A way to publish your nodejs module functions to be accessed in a Restful API
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 30, 2018 -
react-lazy-responsive-image Public
A React Component to lazy load responsive images.
image-processing-blocks Public
A webtool to apply Image processing actions to images in the browser
JavaScript UpdatedDec 23, 2017