Kubernetes-based retail banking sample application showcasing Google Cloud
y1ngyang / securitydatasets
Forked from splunk/securitydatasetsHome for Splunk security datasets.
y1ngyang / astralar
Forked from tracijo32/astralarWalabot data collection for Insight Project
y1ngyang / CyberChef
Forked from gchq/CyberChefThe Cyber Swiss Army Knife - a web app for encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis
Networking fundamentals Akamai project
Hi, I'm Giselle! Welcome to my projects page!
y1ngyang / nlp-recipes
Forked from microsoft/nlp-recipesNatural Language Processing Best Practices & Examples
GitHub integration for JupyterLab
Repository for developing and managing published Docker images for DSpace development
y1ngyang / vagrant-dspace
Forked from DSpace/vagrant-dspaceDSpace + Vagrant. Quickly spin up a virtual machine (via Vagrant) which is "DSpace development ready"
y1ngyang / DSpace
Forked from DSpace/DSpace(Official) The DSpace digital asset management system that powers your Institutional Repository
(Official) The DSpace digital asset management system that powers your Institutional Repository
Code repository for the paper "Adversarial Deep Learning for Robust Detection of Binary Encoded Malware"
Towards Building an Intelligent Anti-Malware System: A Deep Learning Approach using Support Vector Machine for Malware Classification
DockStation is developer-centric application to managing projects based on Docker. Instead of lots of CLI commands you can monitor, configure, and manage services and containers using just a GUI.
y1ngyang / O-CNN-1
Forked from wang-ps/O-CNNThis repository contains the code of our O-CNN paper.
y1ngyang / O-CNN
Forked from microsoft/O-CNNO-CNN: Octree-based Convolutional Neural Networks for 3D Shape Analysis
Samples for getting started with deep learning across TensorFlow, CNTK, Theano and more.
Implementation of Reinforcement Learning Algorithms. Python, OpenAI Gym, Tensorflow. Exercises and Solutions to accompany Sutton's Book and David Silver's course.
Implementation of Reinforcement Learning Algorithms. Python, OpenAI Gym, Tensorflow. Exercises and Solutions to accompany Sutton's Book and David Silver's course.
y1ngyang / densemapnet
Forked from USTCPCS/densemapnetDenseMapNet Keras code of "Fast Disparity Estimation using Dense Networks" paper to appear at ICRA 2018
y1ngyang / GeneralizedConvolutionalNeuralNets
Forked from cylance/GeneralizedConvolutionalNeuralNetsGeneralized convolutional neural network algorithm for use with point cloud data with arbitrary spatial features.
y1ngyang / quiver2html
Forked from HappenApps/quiver2htmlA utility to convert a Quiver notebook or note to HTML.
y1ngyang / Loris
Forked from aces/LorisLORIS is a web-accessible database solution for longitudinal multi-site studies.
y1ngyang / Loris-MRI
Forked from aces/Loris-MRIThe set of scripts that preprocess and insert MRI data into the database.
How to Install DensePose
y1ngyang / fastprogress
Forked from AnswerDotAI/fastprogressSimple and flexible progress bar for Jupyter Notebook and console
y1ngyang / opencv
Forked from opencv/opencvOpen Source Computer Vision Library