- 👨💻 Frontend Developer.
- 🎓 Graduated from the Faculty of CTU at ITMO.
- 🛠️ Former engineer and worked in sales.
- 🔭 Recently ventured into design and coding.
- 🎧 Love listening to music, attending concerts and playing volleyball.
This repository is an enhanced version of my original diploma project's frontend. Building on the core functionality of a service where users can search for films and save their favorites, this new iteration introduces PWA (Progressive Web App) capabilities and a language switcher feature.
Repository -
The objective of this project is to build a service that allows users to search for films and save their favourite ones in a personal space. The user enters keywords into the search bar and clicks on the "Search" button. Then, two actions are performed: A request is sent to our movie data service to retrieve and save data. Films corresponding to the selected genre are found and displayed as cards. When a user saves a film, it appears in a special section of the website.
The interactive web page where users can add photos, delete them, and give likes.
During the web development course, I mastered the following technologies:
Dive into my GitHub profile to see all my repositories. From experimental projects to the production-ready applications, you'll find a wide variety of codes and solutions there.