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doq (python docstring generator) extension for coc.nvim




:CocInstall coc-pydocstring


Plug 'yaegassy/coc-pydocstring', {'do': 'yarn install --frozen-lockfile'}


Quickly generate docstrings for python.

  • Code Action
  • Command
  • Built-in installer

Detect: "doq" command

  1. pydocstring.doqPath setting
  2. PATH environment (e.g. system global PATH or venv, etc ...)
  3. builtin: extension-only "venv" (Installation commands are also provided)

Built-in install

coc-pydocstring allows you to create an extension-only "venv" and install "doq".

The first time you use coc-pydocstring, if "doq" command is not detected, you will be prompted to do a built-in installation.

You can also run the installation command manually.

:CocCommand pydocstring.install

Configuration options

  • pydocstring.enable: Enable coc-pydocstring extension, default: true
  • pydocstring.doqPath: The path to the doq tool (Absolute path), default: ""
  • pydocstring.builtin.pythonPath: Python 3.x path (Absolute path) to be used for built-in install, default: ""
  • pydocstring.enableInstallPrompt: Prompt the user before install, default: true
  • pydocstring.formatter: Docstring formatter (--formatter), valid options ["sphinx", "google", "numpy"], default: "sphinx"
  • pydocstring.templatePath: Path to template directory (--template_path), Settings starting with / are recognized as absolute path, while others are treated as relative path from the workspace root. Additionally, both ~ and $HOME are also available and will be expanded as absolute path, default: ""
  • pydocstring.ignoreException: Ignore exception statements (--ignore_exception), default: false
  • pydocstring.ignoreYield: Ignore yield statements (--ignore_yield), default: false
  • pydocstring.ignoreInit: Ignore generate docstring to __init__ method (--ignore_init). This option only available at :CocCommand pydocstring.runFile, default: false
  • pydocstring.enableFileAction: Enable file-level code action, default: false

Code Actions

Example key mapping (Code Action related):

nmap <silent> ga <Plug>(coc-codeaction-line)
xmap <silent> ga <Plug>(coc-codeaction-selected)
nmap <silent> gA <Plug>(coc-codeaction)


In a "line" or "selection" containing def, async def, or class, enter the mapped key (e.g. ga) and display a list of code actions that can be performed.

  • Add docstring for "Line or Selected" by pydocstring
  • Add docstring for "File" by pydocstring
    • File-level code actions are disabled (false) by default.
    • If you want to use it, set pydocstring.enableFileAction to true in "coc-settings.json".


  • pydocstring.runFile: Run doq for file
  • pydocstring.install: Install doq
    • It will be installed in this path:
      • Mac/Linux: ~/.config/coc/extensions/coc-pydocstring-data/doq/venv/bin/doq
      • Windows: ~/AppData/Local/coc/extensions/coc-pydocstring-data/doq/venv/Scripts/doq.exe
  • pydocstring.showOutput: Show pydocstring output channel

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This extension is built with create-coc-extension