Apache Spark is one of the most widely used technologies in big data analytics. This course taught me how to leverage existing SQL skills to start working with Spark immediately. I also learned how to work with Delta Lake, a highly performant, open-source storage layer that brings reliability to data lakes. Now I can use Spark SQL and Delta Lake to ingest, transform, and query data to extract valuable insights that can be shared with my team.
Module 1: Welcome to Apache Spark SQL for Data Analysts
Module 2: Spark makes big data easy
Module 3: Using Spark SQL on Databricks
Module 4: Spark Under the Hood
Module 5: Complex Queries
Module 6: Applied Spark SQL
Module 7: Data Storage and Optimization
Module 8: Delta Lake with Spark SQL
Module 9: SQL Coding Challenges
Exercises undertaken have been provided as HTML files.