Your star would encourage me to improve this project insistently and I really appreciate it.
API document manage&http request test server.
1.Please make sure that you have installed mongodb
2.Node.js also needs to be installed
3.Install the project
$ git clone
4.Install bower
$ npm install bower
5.install modules
$ npm install
$ bower install
- Support edit&view api document online.
- Support simple authority management.
- Provide a mock server responding data to front-end without database and back-end server(api-mockmust be installed).
- Send request to back-end and mark status of the interface development.
- Support JSON Schema validation to verify request/response params.
1.Start your mongodb
2.Install modules
$ npm install
3.Start the server
$ npm start
- Maybe you need to config the mongodb's params in routes/config.js if you changed mongodb's default connection.
- All delete operation are double left click.
- default user: admin/admin
mockjs (
mongodb (
express (
angular (
node (