将Apple Crash Report崩溃文件(.crash后缀)解析成json文件的python模块。
A python module to parse .crash file into .json file.
pip install crash2json
crash2json yourcrashreport.crash
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
parse binary_image_list to json only
parse crashed_thread_state to json only
parse diagnostic_messages to json only
parse exception_backtrace to json only
parse exception_information to json only
--header_only parse header to json only
parse other_threads_backtrace to json only
parse thread0_backtrace to json only
-s, --simple output a simple json with only header, exceptionInfo, diagnositcMsg, Thread0Backtrace
-o OUTPUT_NAME, --output_name OUTPUT_NAME
the .json file you want to save result to, no need .json suffix