This is the source code repository for Pact, a language for developing smart contracts to run on a fast deterministic blockchain.
The easiest way to try Pact is in the browser.
To start writing
smart contracts, the best way to go is to use the Atom editor and install
using the package manager.
You'll then need to install the Pact interpreter/REPL. On Mac, the easiest way is with homebrew.
brew install kadena-io/pact/pact
Prebuilt binaries are available, or see building below.
Once you have downloaded the binary, put it somewhere in your PATH.
Test by issuing pact
in a terminal. Try out some commands:
$ pact
pact> (+ 1 2)
pact> (+ "hello, " "world")
"hello world"
There are examples in this source repository of working smart contracts which you can load into Atom to get started.
Pact now features a full REST API HTTP server and SQLite database implementation, making blockchain application development painless and easy. The Pact server simulates a single-node blockchain environment, with the same API supported by the Kadena ScalableBFT blockchain.
To start the server, issue pact --serve CONFIG
or pact -s CONFIG
, where CONFIG is a valid config.yaml.
The REST API is documented at
The pact-lang-api npm package provides a JavaScript library to aid interaction with the API.
The pact-todomvc is a working demonstration.
The HTTP server will host any static files it finds in its working directory.
The pact dev server (pact-serve) requires a configuration Yaml file (e.g. server.conf) to operate. The documentation for it is:
➜ pact git:(feat/dev-server) pact --serve --help
Config file is YAML format with the following properties:
port - HTTP server port
persistDir - Directory for database files.
If ommitted, runs in-memory only.
logDir - Directory for HTTP logs
pragmas - SQLite pragmas to use with persistence DBs
verbose - [True|False] Provide extra logging information
When running pact-serve with persistence enabled, the server automatically replays from the database
in the persist dir. To prevent replay, simply delete this file before starting the server.
To build, you'll need a working Haskell Stack install . After which, building is as simple as 'stack build'.
To install for use with Atom and the command line, issue 'stack install' and then either add $HOME/.local/bin
to your path, or symlink $HOME/.local/bin/pact
somewhere in your PATH.
To build pact for browser use, add --stack-yaml stack-ghcjs.yaml
to your stack commands. The script web/ builds Pact and minifies it; you'll need the closure compiler and a Java Runtime Environment installed.
This code is distributed under the terms of the BSD3 license. See LICENSE for details.