The code is for paper "Graph-regularized Saliency Detection with Convex-hull-based Center Prior" by Chuan Yang, Lihe Zhang, and Huchuan Lu written by Chuan Yang Email: [email protected]
The code is tested on Windows XP with MATLAB R2010b.
put the test images into file '\test' run 'demo.m'
We use the SLIC superpixel software to generate superpixels ( and some graph functions in the Graph Analysis Toolbox (
Thanks to J. van de Weijer, Th. Gevers, J-M Geusebroek "Boosting Color Saliency in Image Feature Detection" (PAMI06), for providing the salient points detector.
Note: the running time of the superpixel generation is computed by using the SLIC Windows GUI based executable.