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Citation: Zhang, Q. High-Dimensional Mediation Analysis with Applications to Causal Gene Identification. Stat Biosci (2021).
View only link to the fulltext from the publisher
BioRxiv version as in 2019
An updated preprint is uploaded to this github page
The code uploaded includes the source code of the proposed methods, and a demo based on a simulated dataset in which you can compare the accuracy. The uploaded version is older than the code in the accepted manuscript, but newer than the BioRxiv version. I will be working on an updated version with more careful demonstration shortly.
The uploaded version (after user adaptation) has been used in the following manuscript
Genome-wide mediation analysis: bridging the divide between genotype and phenotype via transcriptomic data in maize
Zhikai Yang, Gen Xu, Qi Zhang, Toshihiro Obata, Jinliang Yang bioRxiv 2021.04.09.439238; doi: