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⚡️ JavaScript library for parallel code execution 🔀


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JavaScript library for concurrent parallel code execution.


Library is built on top of new Worker Threads functionality, which is introduced in Node 10.5.0. There is an existing API for forking processes in Node.js. That solution is not the best, because forking a process is pretty expensive operation in terms of resources, which could be very slow. Creating worker thread is much faster and requires less resources.

How to use

To install library:

# yarn
yarn add hurried

# npm
npm install hurried --save

Library is designed to create independent JavaScript execution thread for parallel execution. Most Node.js APIs are available inside of it. To create thread:

// ES6 modules
import { Thread } from 'hurried';

// CommonJS modules
const { Thread } = require('hurried');

// To create execution thread for any file:
const threadFromFile = Thread.fromFile(path.resolve(__dirname, 'test.js'));

// To create execution thread from any script:
const threadFromScript = Thread.fromScript(`
  for (let i = 0; i < 10 ** 9; i++) {
    // some logic

Creating new Thread runs script/module immediately. Such approach is useful for creating several execution threads for issues, which require CPU intensive tasks.

Run specific function

hurried allows you to specify functions in your code, which will be accessible for calling from the main thread. To specify such function:

const { makeExecutable } = require('hurried');

function slowFunction(...params) {
  // some slow code which requires intensive blocking CPU work
  return params;

module.exports.slowFunction = slowFunction;

makeExecutable(slowFunction, 'slow');

makeExecutable will not do anything, if it will be ran directly from main thread. If it will be used in another execution thread it will make that function executable.

To use that from main thread:

const { Thread } = require('hurried');

(async () => {
  const thread = Thread.fromFile(path.resolve(__dirname, 'slow.js'));
  const slowResult = await'slow', 'param', 1);




static Thread.setMaxListeners(count: number): void

The same as Node.js Event Emitter setMaxListeners to help finding / preventing memory leaks.

static Thread.isMainThread(): boolean

Returns true, if code is not running inside Worker.

static Thread.fromFile(filename: string, options: OptionsType): Thread

Creates independent JavaScript execution thread from module.

static Thread.fromScript(script: string, options: OptionsType): Thread

Creates independent JavaScript execution thread from code script. [, ...params: any[]]): Function<return|resolve>

Provides ability to run specific function from independent JavaScript execution thread. Any serializable params could be used. Function which is called from another thread could return any serializable value or Promise, which is resolved with serializable value.

thread.terminate([callback]): void

Stop all JavaScript execution in the worker thread as soon as possible. callback is an optional function that is invoked once this operation is known to have completed.


makeExecutable(fn: Function, name: String): void

Provides ability to make function callable and executable inside independent JavaScript execution thread from main thread. Function should return any serializable value or Promise, which is resolved with that value.


env: Object

If set, specifies the initial value of process.env inside the Worker thread. As a special value, worker.SHARE_ENV may be used to specify that the parent thread and the child thread should share their environment variables; in that case, changes to one thread’s process.env object will affect the other thread as well. Default: process.env.

execArgv: string[]

List of node CLI options passed to the worker. V8 options (such as --max-old-space-size) and options that affect the process (such as --title) are not supported. If set, this will be provided as process.execArgv inside the worker. By default, options will be inherited from the parent thread.

stdin: boolean

If this is set to true, then worker.stdin will provide a writable stream whose contents will appear as process.stdin inside the Worker. By default, no data is provided.

stdout: boolean

If this is set to true, then worker.stdout will not automatically be piped through to process.stdout in the parent.

stderr: boolean

If this is set to true, then worker.stderr will not automatically be piped through to process.stderr in the parent.

workerData: any

Any JavaScript value that will be cloned and made available as require('worker_threads').workerData. The cloning will occur as described in the HTML structured clone algorithm, and an error will be thrown if the object cannot be cloned (e.g. because it contains functions).


There are several examples in projects, which could be helpful to start. Example could be found here

Running this example allows to see how fast to run CPU blocking code in separate threads


At least Node.js 10.5.0 is required to run this library


hurried is open-source library, opened for contributions


jest is used for tests. To run tests:

yarn test


hurried is MIT licensed


⚡️ JavaScript library for parallel code execution 🔀








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