This project aims to implement a real-time stream processing application using the Kafka Streams API.
OpenJDK 1.8.0
Kafka 1.0.0 for Scala 2.11
Apache ZooKeeper 3.4.10
ZooKeeper and Kafka servers should be set up in advance.
The application receives two streams (student topic, classroom topic) as input, and produces a single stream (output topic) as output.
The application consumes messages from two Kafka topics:
student topic provides information on students and their whereabouts. Each message is a single string of the following form: Student_ID,Room_ID.
classroom topic provides information on classrooms and their capacity. Each message is a single string of the following form: Room_ID,max_capacity.
The application outputs two types of messages to the output topic:
When the current occupancy exceeds the maximum capacity, the application outputs the room ID along with some additional information: Room_ID,max_capacity,current_occupancy.
If the occupancy of a room is decreased subsequently to a value less than or equal the capacity, or if the capacity is increased to a value greater than or equal the occupancy, the application outputs a single string of the following form: Room_ID,OK.
If a student enters a room for which there is no room data, then assume that the room’s max capacity is infinite.
Run the following command to build the application:
After creating related stream topics (student topic, classroom topic and output topic) on Kafka server, you can run the following command to start the stream processing application:
java StreamApplication <Kafka_host>:<Kafka_port> <student_topic> <classroom_topic> <output_topic>