- Taipei, Taiwan
- https://www.datainpoint.com
Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases, provided by JHU CSSE
Deployment config files for mybinder.org
code for Data Science From Scratch book
🧪 📗 Unit test your Jupyter Notebooks the right way
A demonstration repository showing how to open JupyterLab with a custom layout on mybinder.org
Package / Module importer for importing code from Jupyter Notebook files (.ipynb)
The fastai book, published as Jupyter Notebooks
Open source online judge based on Vue, Django and Docker. | 青岛大学开源 Online Judge | QQ群 496710125 | [email protected]
🔥 The most advanced open-source online code execution system in the world.
In-browser code editor (version 5, legacy)
A tool to merge / concatenate Jupyter (IPython) notebooks
Easy to maintain open source documentation websites.
Keras implementations of Generative Adversarial Networks.
An awesome curated list of blogs built using blogdown
Ready-to-run Docker images containing Jupyter applications
A free, open source, multi-platform SQLite database manager.
completely free for everyone. Its build-in Flutter Dart.
Jupyter Notebook Extension for monitoring your own Resource Usage
Pretrain, finetune ANY AI model of ANY size on multiple GPUs, TPUs with zero code changes.
A Python package for manipulating 2-dimensional tabular data structures
Free online textbook of Jupyter notebooks for fast.ai Computational Linear Algebra course
The Jupyter Notebooks behind my OReilly report, "A Whirlwind Tour of Python"
A meta-repository to help navigate the many lessons and repos of the Software Carpentry Community
A Helm chart repo to install persistent BinderHub