.o88Oo._ d8P .ooOO8bo._ 88 '*Y8bo. __ YA '*Y8b __ ,dPYb, YA 68o68**8Oo. IP'`Yb "8D *"' "Y8o I8 8I Y8 'YB .8D I8 8P '8 d8' 8D I8 8' 8 d8888b d AY ,gggo, ,ggggo, ,gggo,gg I8 dP ,gggo,gg Y, d888888 d' _.oP" dP" "Yb dP" "Y8go*8P" "Y8I I8dP dP" "Y8I q. Y8888P' d8 i8' i8' ,8P i8' ,8I I8P i8' ,8I "q. `Y88P' d8" ,d8,_ _,d8, ,d8' d8, ,d8b,,d8b,_ ,d8, ,d8b, Y ,o8P ooP""Y8888PP*"Y8888P" "Y8888P"`Y88P'"Y88P"Y8888P"`Y8 oooo888P"
coala-bears is a Python package containing all the bears that are officially supported by coala. It features more than 65 bears covering 35 languages. You can see all of them here.
Languages coala provides algorithms for | ||
C++ | Lua | TypeScript |
C# | Markdown | VHDL |
CMake | Matlab/Octave | Vimscript |
CoffeeScript | Natural Language (English) | XML |
CSS | Perl | YAML |
Dart | PHP | |
Fortran | Python 2 | |
Go | Python 3 | |
Haskell | R | |
HTML | reStructured Text | |
Java | Ruby | |
JavaScript | Scala | |
JSP | SCSS | |
Julia | sh & bash scripts | |
Latex | SQL |
The number of bears grows every day! If you want to see any particular functionality be sure to submit an issue, but please read the GETTING INVOLVED section before doing so.
You can read more at our documentation. There you can learn how to easily write bears yourself! Be sure to let us know if you do so, then we'll be able to include it here and spread the word about it.
coala-bears can be installed with pip3 install coala-bears
. If you need more
information about the installation and dependencies, take a look at our
installation documentation.
The latest code from master is automatically deployed to PyPI as a
development version. Get it with pip3 install coala-bears --pre
Be sure to use the latest pip, the default pip from Debian doesn't support our dependency version number specifiers. You will have to use a virtualenv in this case.
Basic analysis:
echo "print('Hi!') " >> hw.py coala --files hw.py --bears SpaceConsistencyBear
Finding out what analysis routines exist:
coala -l JavaScript # Shows bears for JS coala -A # Shows all bears coala -B -b SpaceConsistencyBear # Shows full bear documentation
If you want to learn more about coala-bears, its functionality and its usage, please take a look at our tutorial.
coala-bears is maintained by a growing community. Please take a look at the meta information in setup.py for current maintainers.
If you want to contribute to coala-bears, please take a look at the Getting Involved Information.
We appreciate any help! Join us on one of:
- gitter <https://gitter.im/coala-analyzer/coala/>
- #coala at freenode <webchat.freenode.net/?channels=coala>
- Telegram <https://telegram.me/joinchat/AuL-lwKZ8JLFZiI6SbtQVw>
(All channels are linked with gitter. Approach @sils1297 if the link doesn't work properly.)
This code falls under the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Please note that some files or content may be copied from other places. Most of them are GPL compatible. There is a small portion of code in the tests that falls under the Creative Commons license, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.de for more information.