Publishing service specification:
- Will be activated by CLI, accepting a city name from the list of cities
- Will query the StreetsService for all streets of that city
- Will publish to the queuing platform the streets it needs to insert
Consuming service specification:
- Will consume from the messaging queue
- Will persist the streets data to the selected database
Provided is a docker-compose file which contains all of the dependencies that you will need to complete the assignment.
You do not need to lift all of the services, you can choose which you need as listed in the assignment specification.
- mongoDB
- No-sql database, Version - 4.2
- exposed on localhost port 27017
- Can be connected to with robo3t/ studio 3t with no need for authentication -
- Singlestore (formerly memsql)
- ANSI SQL compliant and MySQL wire protocol compatible SQL database
- exposed on port 3306
- UI studio is exposed on port 8012
- Authentication:
- Username: root
- Password: Password1
- Authentication:
- RabbitMQ
- backend exposed on port 5672
- management UI exposed on port 15672
- Authentication:
- Username: guest
- Password: guest
- Authentication:
- Redpanda
- Fully Kafka-api compatible data streaming platform
- Kafka broker exposed on port 9092
- UI exposed on port 8014 with no need for authentication
docker compose -f docker-compose up npm i npx generate prisma ts-node src/main.ts Itamar