#Shell configuration currently used
Currently using Oh-my-zsh with the following plugins: git
, zsh-autosuggestions
, zsh-syntax-highlighting
and powerlevel10k
theme. The other configured theme here is cobalt2
[Prerequisite here is to install oh-my-zsh] ##Plugins: Plugins can be configured by installing the plugin to the $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/<plugin_name> folder. Then this can be added to the plugins section of .zshrc.
##Themes: Themes can be downloaded to $ZSH_CUSTOM/themes/.zsh-theme file. The zsh-theme file can be specifically modified to suit your needs.
Specifically for powerlevel10k, you can run p10k configure
For installing colorls (the one that beautifies ls output) use gem install colorls
and add an alias for the same
Helpful links: https://www.slant.co/topics/7553/~theme-for-oh-my-zsh