A Java graphics-based recreation of the board game "7 Wonders". 7 Wonders on Wikipedia
- The project was a 4-team group project for a data structures course.
- The project was made to demonstrate a thorough understanding of Java, graphics, and data structures.
- The project utilises Object-Oriented Programming through a bottom-up approach.
Main Menu.
Assignments of the 7 wonders to the 3 players.
UI of player actions.
Playing a card.
Burning a card
Resource selection in Age III.
Winning Screen
Diagram of a round of play
UML diagram of classes
- java.awt.Graphics2D
- javax.swing.JFrame;
- javax.swing.JPanel
- HashMap, HashSet, ArrayList
- Prerequisites:
- Java JDK/JRE
- Installation:
- Clone or download ZIP of the repository
- Run the file `SevenWondersFrame.java`