Hacker news-inspired forum app built with TypeScript using DDD practices from
Code repo for "The Art of WebAssembly" by Rick Battagline
A chip input field using Material-UI.
A collection of useful CloudFormation templates
Provision an ECS cluster (and related infrastructure) with CloudFormation, updating services from CodePipeline
The AWS Copilot CLI is a tool for developers to build, release and operate production ready containerized applications on AWS App Runner or Amazon ECS on AWS Fargate.
ECS Reference Architecture for creating a flexible and scalable deployment pipeline to Amazon ECS using AWS CodePipeline
A reference architecture for deploying containerized microservices with Amazon ECS and AWS CloudFormation (YAML)
REST API boilerplate using NodeJS and KOA2, typescript. Logging and JWT as middlewares. TypeORM with class-validator, SQL CRUD. Docker included. Swagger docs, actions CI and valuable README
React + Canvas = Love. JavaScript library for drawing complex canvas graphics using React.
⚡ Deploy your Next.js apps on AWS Lambda@Edge via Serverless Components
A sample lab test environment to help in preparation of CKA certification.
Bootstrap Kubernetes the hard way on Vagrant on Local Machine. No scripts.
Shopify CLI helps you build against the Shopify platform faster.
A set of exercises to prepare for Certified Kubernetes Application Developer exam by Cloud Native Computing Foundation
List of resources and notes for passing the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) exam.
Bootstrap Kubernetes the hard way on Google Cloud Platform. No scripts.
Bootstrap Kubernetes the hard way. No scripts.
Certified Kubernetes Administrator - CKA Course
The Google Cloud Developer's Cheat Sheet
Set up a Typescript GraphQL API by running one command.
Decorator-based property validation for classes.
Create structured, declarative and beautifully organized class-based controllers with heavy decorators usage in Express / Koa using TypeScript and Routing Controllers Framework.
Create GraphQL schema and resolvers with TypeScript, using classes and decorators!
TypeScript ORM for Node.js based on Data Mapper, Unit of Work and Identity Map patterns. Supports MongoDB, MySQL, MariaDB, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL and SQLite/libSQL databases.