The project is simple message editor using: an AVR ATMega32, an LCD, and a 4x4 keypad.
Simple Java implementation for Christian's and Berkeley's algorithms for clock synchronization.
Scene-Text-Localization Public
An optimized code for the localization of text in scene images, supporting different datasets.
Machine-Learning-Essentials Public
A project containing codes for the different machine learning methods.
Mungala-AI Public
A code for running the game "Mungala" in python, with the ability to train a DQN agent.
West-AI Public
Code for training a DQN agent to play the cards game "West".
Mathematics-in-Assembly Public
An assembly language implementation for the different mathematical functions, including statistical functions, matrix operations, numerical methods, and some other stuff.
Roads-and-Stations Public
A java implementation for the solution of the roads and stations problem.
A simple operating system made with assembly language, it contains: A main screen with a command line to open the different programs. A text editor supporting caps, characters, numbers, special sym…
A highly optimized code for the recognition of handwritten English or Arabic text, supporting multiple datasets.
Mungolo Public
Android game based on the native sudanese marbles logic game "Mungolo"
2 UpdatedMay 26, 2019 -