hog2 Public
Forked from nathansttt/hog2Pathfinding and search testbed/visualization suite. Current code is in PDB-refactor branch.
course-docs Public
Forked from UAlberta-CMPUT401/course-docsCMPUT 401 Course Docs
An Arabic text localization and recognition system supporting multiple architectures for the recognition of text.
Soduko-solver Public
An optimized code for solving the 9 by 9 soduko puzzle.
bookstore Public
Forked from cmput402/bookstoreToy project for performance testing
mdb-docs-and-content Public
Forked from mdbootstrap/mdb-docs-and-contentContent of the mdbootstrap.com website
mern-exercise-tracker-mongodb Public
Forked from beaucarnes/mern-exercise-tracker-mongodbMERN exercise tracker - code for tutorial
Sabil-APK-Extractor Public
The source code for an APK extractor application developed using flutter.
Sign-Language-Recognition Public
A simple and robust machine learning solution for the recognition of the different sign languages.
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