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My Nautilus scripts

There is a lot of nautilus scripts all over the web. But a lot of these scripts are not working very well. No check for errors, no dependency error notification,… Some of them only works in nautilus, some others only in nemo… Some of them only works with files that not contained spaces… So I decided to write my own scripts, with functions, with my own rules,…

I need

  • easy way to copy and adapt script for another need
  • notifications (dependency errors or mime-type not supported)
  • mime-type check with file --mime-type -b "$input" | cut -d "/" -f2 (or f1 or no cut…) not ${arg##*.} or mimetype -bM "$arg")
  • all texts in english (translations are difficult to maintain)
  • output ≠ input, never erase input!
  • utf-8 symbols in script names to be easiest to identify (←↑→↓⇐⇑⇒⇓↕↔↻↶↷…)
  • work well in shell as in files managers ⇒ no use of $NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS or NEMO equivalent
  • Direct use: No input box to ask how many, which orientation,…

screenshot screenshot prompt

Less as possible

  • click
  • dependencies
  • long texts notifications
  • subdirectories of subdirectories of scripts


#        notification depends of system        #
function notif { 
    # the script is running in a term
    if [ $(env | grep '^TERM') ]; then printf "\n#### $(basename "$0") notification ####\n  ⇒  $1\n\n"
    # in x, notifications
        if [ $(which notify-send) ]; then notify-send "$1"
        elif [ $(which zenity) ]; then
            echo "message:$1" | zenity --notification --listen &
        elif [ $(which kdialog) ]; then
            kdialog --title "$1" --passivepopup "This popup will disappear in 5 seconds" 5 &
        elif [ $(which xmessage) ]; then xmessage "$1" -timeout 5
        # You don't have notifications? I don't care, I need to tell you something!
            echo "$1" > "$(basename $0)_notif.txt"


notif "Error: \"$arg\" mimetype is not supported"

Dependencies check

#               dependency check               #
function depend_check {
    if [ ! $(which $1) ]; then
        notif "Error: Could not find \"$1\" application."
        exit 1


for depend in pdftk convert # add here all dependencies only with space separator
    depend_check $depend

Dependencies check will be done for each mime-type that need different softwares.

Arguments number check

# check if input files > 1
if (( $# <= "1" )); then 
    notif "$# file selected, \"$(basename $0)\" needs at least 2 input files" 
    exit 1

Do not overwrite any file

#         do not overwrite with output         #
function do_not_overwrite {
    while [[ -a "$out" ]]; do
        when=$(date +%Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S)
        [[ -f "$out" ]] && out="${out%.*}#$when.${out##*.}" || out="$out#$when"
    echo "$out"

Example: output_dir=$(do_not_overwrite "${input_filename}_explode")

Mimetype errors notification

Avoid multiple notifications for mimetype errors:

# notif mime errors
if [[ $mime_error != 0 ]]; then
    [[ $mime_error == 1 ]] && notif "Error: $mime_error_file mimetype not supported"
    [[ $mime_error > 1 ]] && [[ $mime_error < $# ]] && notif "Error: mimetype not supported ($mime_error/$# files: $mime_error_file)"
    [[ $mime_error > 1 ]] && [[ $mime_error = $# ]] && notif "Error: Selected files mimetype not supported"

Help check-list (for my own use)

How to copy these files?

cd ~/.local/share/nautilus
git clone scripts