A blender library to easily create 3D optics diagrams. I add elements when I need them.
First of all, intended for my personal use. A bit of frenglish (sorry about that).
I don't know… WTFPL or CC? Is that useful to define a license while no one but me will use these files?
- paul_lobe_haus_2k.jpg: CC0 from hdrihaven
- diode control koheron and loop filter are based on koheron step files, I have to contact them (or redone all from scratch)!!
- For Inkscape, the nicest library I could find is Alvise Vianello ComponentLibrary 😍 CC:BY-NC
- For Inkscape too, : gwoptics CC:BY-NC
- Have to look at Asset Manager
- Share my own Inkscape library
- Add my free-space optics (blender files)