DynamicDataSource Public
A tool that allows you to add, delete, and switch data sources while the program is running. 在程序运行过程中动态增删和切换数据源的工具。
MatrixAuth Public
High-performance lightweight distributed permission system. 高性能轻量级分布式权限系统。
PerformanceDemo Public
EasyRPC Public
EasyRPC是一个远程过程调用(Remote Procedure Call,简称RPC)的最小实现。它使用极少的类、方法演示了RPC的实现原理,是一个学习RPC工作原理的良好示例。
MyBatisDemo Public
MyBatisCN Public
ObjectLogger Public
A powerful and easy-to-use operational logging system that supports analysis of changes in object properties. 强大且易用的操作日志记录系统,支持对象属性的变化分析。
mybatis-3 Public
Forked from mybatis/mybatis-3MyBatis SQL mapper framework for Java
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 16, 2021 -
EasyCrawler Public