My custom MVS generated by Sysgen.
Command | Action |
LOGON HMVS01 | logon HMVS01 user, with 8192Kb storage |
LOGON HMVS01 SIZE(4096) | logon HMVS01 user, with 4096Kb storage |
Username | Password | Role |
IBMUSER | SYS1 | Super user |
HMVS01 | CUL8TR | Admin |
HMVS02 | PASS4U | Normal user |
- MVS 3.8j
- Automated MVS3.8j Sysgen
- Assembler updates
- BREXX370 2.5
- IMON370
- REVIEW 50.3
- RPF 1.92
- SYSCPK compilers
- model: 3380
- cyls: 886
- heads: 15
- tracks: 13290
- trklen: 47616
- bytes per track: 47,476
- bytes per cylinder: 712,140
- bytes per module: 630,243,900
- model: 3390
- cyls: 1114
- heads: 15
- tracks: 16710
- trklen: 56832
- bytes per track: 56,664
- bytes per cylinder: 849,960
- bytes per module: 946,005,480
- Increase speed and throughput of DASD volumes creating a RAM disk.
- Initialize MVS in attended mode
- Restore shadow snapshots from dasd_shadows.tar.gz
- If you turn off hercules, you don't damage DASD files. Sometimes, I prefer to kill Hercules and restart MVS again.
- TODO make a finalization attended mode
- After shutdown MVS, you may/must save current DASD shadow files.
- Rename and move current dasd_shadows.tar.gz in ./backups folder.
- Save shadow files from RAM DISK into a tgz file.
- Destroy RAM DISK
- When VTAM (MVS) is on, a x3270 console is started.
- You need to install x3270
- Ubuntu/Debian: sudo apt -y install x3270
- Adapted script from MVSSplit
- Separate job reports from 'prt00e.txt' to 'spool' folder