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Move chunk serialization code into its own class
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Johni0702 committed Mar 19, 2023
1 parent 8e25250 commit 1c8710a
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Showing 3 changed files with 388 additions and 372 deletions.
385 changes: 385 additions & 0 deletions src/main/java/de/johni0702/minecraft/bobby/
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@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
package de.johni0702.minecraft.bobby;

import com.mojang.serialization.Codec;
import de.johni0702.minecraft.bobby.ext.ChunkLightProviderExt;
import net.minecraft.SharedConstants;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockState;
import net.minecraft.block.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NbtCompound;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NbtElement;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NbtList;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NbtLongArray;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NbtOps;
import net.minecraft.registry.Registry;
import net.minecraft.registry.RegistryKeys;
import net.minecraft.registry.entry.RegistryEntry;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.util.math.ChunkPos;
import net.minecraft.util.math.ChunkSectionPos;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

public class ChunkSerializer {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger();

private static final ChunkNibbleArray COMPLETELY_DARK = new ChunkNibbleArray();
private static final ChunkNibbleArray COMPLETELY_LIT = new ChunkNibbleArray();
static {
for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++) {
for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++) {
COMPLETELY_LIT.set(x, y, z, 15);
private static final Codec<PalettedContainer<BlockState>> BLOCK_CODEC = PalettedContainer.createPalettedContainerCodec(

public static NbtCompound serialize(WorldChunk chunk, LightingProvider lightingProvider) {
Registry<Biome> biomeRegistry = chunk.getWorld().getRegistryManager().get(RegistryKeys.BIOME);
Codec<ReadableContainer<RegistryEntry<Biome>>> biomeCodec = PalettedContainer.createReadableContainerCodec(

ChunkPos chunkPos = chunk.getPos();
NbtCompound level = new NbtCompound();
level.putInt("DataVersion", SharedConstants.getGameVersion().getSaveVersion().getId());
level.putInt("xPos", chunkPos.x);
level.putInt("yPos", chunk.getBottomSectionCoord());
level.putInt("zPos", chunkPos.z);

ChunkSection[] chunkSections = chunk.getSectionArray();
NbtList sectionsTag = new NbtList();

for (int y = lightingProvider.getBottomY(); y < lightingProvider.getTopY(); y++) {
boolean empty = true;

NbtCompound sectionTag = new NbtCompound();
sectionTag.putByte("Y", (byte) y);

int i = chunk.sectionCoordToIndex(y);
ChunkSection chunkSection = i >= 0 && i < chunkSections.length ? chunkSections[i] : null;
if (chunkSection != null) {
sectionTag.put("block_states", BLOCK_CODEC.encodeStart(NbtOps.INSTANCE, chunkSection.getBlockStateContainer()).getOrThrow(false, LOGGER::error));
sectionTag.put("biomes", biomeCodec.encodeStart(NbtOps.INSTANCE, chunkSection.getBiomeContainer()).getOrThrow(false, LOGGER::error));
empty = false;

ChunkNibbleArray blockLight = chunk instanceof FakeChunk fakeChunk
? fakeChunk.blockLight[i + 1]
: lightingProvider.get(LightType.BLOCK).getLightSection(ChunkSectionPos.from(chunkPos, y));
if (blockLight != null && !blockLight.isUninitialized()) {
sectionTag.putByteArray("BlockLight", blockLight.asByteArray());
empty = false;

ChunkNibbleArray skyLight = chunk instanceof FakeChunk fakeChunk
? fakeChunk.skyLight[i + 1]
: lightingProvider.get(LightType.SKY).getLightSection(ChunkSectionPos.from(chunkPos, y));
if (skyLight != null && !skyLight.isUninitialized()) {
sectionTag.putByteArray("SkyLight", skyLight.asByteArray());
empty = false;

if (!empty) {

level.put("sections", sectionsTag);

NbtList blockEntitiesTag;
if (chunk instanceof FakeChunk fakeChunk) {
blockEntitiesTag = fakeChunk.serializedBlockEntities;
} else {
blockEntitiesTag = new NbtList();
for (BlockPos pos : chunk.getBlockEntityPositions()) {
NbtCompound blockEntityTag = chunk.getPackedBlockEntityNbt(pos);
if (blockEntityTag != null) {
level.put("block_entities", blockEntitiesTag);

NbtCompound hightmapsTag = new NbtCompound();
for (Map.Entry<Heightmap.Type, Heightmap> entry : chunk.getHeightmaps()) {
if (chunk.getStatus().getHeightmapTypes().contains(entry.getKey())) {
hightmapsTag.put(entry.getKey().getName(), new NbtLongArray(entry.getValue().asLongArray()));
level.put("Heightmaps", hightmapsTag);

return level;

// Note: This method is called asynchronously, so any methods called must either be verified to be thread safe (and
// must be unlikely to loose that thread safety in the presence of third party mods) or must be delayed
// by moving them into the returned supplier which is executed on the main thread.
// For performance reasons though: The more stuff we can do async, the better.
public static @Nullable Supplier<WorldChunk> deserialize(ChunkPos pos, NbtCompound level, World world) {
BobbyConfig config = Bobby.getInstance().getConfig();

ChunkPos chunkPos = new ChunkPos(level.getInt("xPos"), level.getInt("zPos"));
if (!Objects.equals(pos, chunkPos)) {
LOGGER.error("Chunk file at {} is in the wrong location; relocating. (Expected {}, got {})", pos, pos, chunkPos);

Registry<Biome> biomeRegistry = world.getRegistryManager().get(RegistryKeys.BIOME);
Codec<PalettedContainer<RegistryEntry<Biome>>> biomeCodec = PalettedContainer.createPalettedContainerCodec(

NbtList sectionsTag = level.getList("sections", NbtElement.COMPOUND_TYPE);
ChunkSection[] chunkSections = new ChunkSection[world.countVerticalSections()];
ChunkNibbleArray[] blockLight = new ChunkNibbleArray[chunkSections.length + 2];
ChunkNibbleArray[] skyLight = new ChunkNibbleArray[chunkSections.length + 2];

Arrays.fill(blockLight, COMPLETELY_DARK);

for (int i = 0; i < sectionsTag.size(); i++) {
NbtCompound sectionTag = sectionsTag.getCompound(i);
int y = sectionTag.getByte("Y");
int yIndex = world.sectionCoordToIndex(y);

if (yIndex < -1 || yIndex > chunkSections.length) {
// There used to be a bug where we pass the block coordinates to the ChunkSection constructor (as was
// done in 1.16) but the constructor expects section coordinates now, leading to an incorrect y position
// being stored in the ChunkSection. And under specific circumstances (a chunk unload packet without
// prior chunk load packet) we ended up saving those again, leading to this index out of bounds
// condition.
// We cannot just undo the scaling here because the Y stored to disk is only a byte, so the real Y may
// have overflown. Instead we will just ignore all sections for broken chunks.
// Or at least we used to do that but with the world height conversion, there are now legitimate OOB
// sections (cause the converter doesn't know whether the server has an extended depth), so we'll just
// skip the invalid ones.

if (yIndex >= 0 && yIndex < chunkSections.length) {
PalettedContainer<BlockState> blocks;
if (sectionTag.contains("block_states", NbtElement.COMPOUND_TYPE)) {
blocks = BLOCK_CODEC.parse(NbtOps.INSTANCE, sectionTag.getCompound("block_states"))
.promotePartial((errorMessage) -> logRecoverableError(chunkPos, y, errorMessage))
.getOrThrow(false, LOGGER::error);
} else {
blocks = new PalettedContainer<>(Block.STATE_IDS, Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState(), PalettedContainer.PaletteProvider.BLOCK_STATE);

PalettedContainer<RegistryEntry<Biome>> biomes;
if (sectionTag.contains("biomes", NbtElement.COMPOUND_TYPE)) {
biomes = biomeCodec.parse(NbtOps.INSTANCE, sectionTag.getCompound("biomes"))
.promotePartial((errorMessage) -> logRecoverableError(chunkPos, y, errorMessage))
.getOrThrow(false, LOGGER::error);
} else {
biomes = new PalettedContainer<>(biomeRegistry.getIndexedEntries(), biomeRegistry.entryOf(BiomeKeys.PLAINS), PalettedContainer.PaletteProvider.BIOME);

ChunkSection chunkSection = new ChunkSection(y, blocks, biomes);
if (!chunkSection.isEmpty()) {
chunkSections[yIndex] = chunkSection;

if (sectionTag.contains("BlockLight", NbtElement.BYTE_ARRAY_TYPE)) {
blockLight[yIndex + 1] = new ChunkNibbleArray(sectionTag.getByteArray("BlockLight"));

if (sectionTag.contains("SkyLight", NbtElement.BYTE_ARRAY_TYPE)) {
skyLight[yIndex + 1] = new ChunkNibbleArray(sectionTag.getByteArray("SkyLight"));

// Not all light sections are stored. For block light we simply fall back to a completely dark section.
// For sky light we need to compute the section based on those above it. We are going top to bottom section.

// The nearest section data read from storage
ChunkNibbleArray fullSectionAbove = null;
// The nearest section data computed from the one above (based on its bottom-most layer).
// May be re-used for multiple sections once computed.
ChunkNibbleArray inferredSection = COMPLETELY_LIT;
for (int y = skyLight.length - 1; y >= 0; y--) {
ChunkNibbleArray section = skyLight[y];

// If we found a section, invalidate our inferred section cache and store it for later
if (section != null) {
inferredSection = null;
fullSectionAbove = section;

// If we are missing a section, infer it from the previous full section (the result of that can be re-used)
if (inferredSection == null) {
assert fullSectionAbove != null; // we only clear the cache when we set this
inferredSection = floodSkylightFromAbove(fullSectionAbove);
skyLight[y] = inferredSection;

FakeChunk chunk = new FakeChunk(world, pos, chunkSections);

NbtCompound hightmapsTag = level.getCompound("Heightmaps");
EnumSet<Heightmap.Type> missingHightmapTypes = EnumSet.noneOf(Heightmap.Type.class);

for (Heightmap.Type type : chunk.getStatus().getHeightmapTypes()) {
String key = type.getName();
if (hightmapsTag.contains(key, NbtElement.LONG_ARRAY_TYPE)) {
chunk.setHeightmap(type, hightmapsTag.getLongArray(key));
} else {

Heightmap.populateHeightmaps(chunk, missingHightmapTypes);

if (!config.isNoBlockEntities()) {
NbtList blockEntitiesTag = level.getList("block_entities", NbtElement.COMPOUND_TYPE);
for (int i = 0; i < blockEntitiesTag.size(); i++) {

return loadChunk(chunk, blockLight, skyLight, config);

private static Supplier<WorldChunk> loadChunk(
FakeChunk chunk,
ChunkNibbleArray[] blockLight,
ChunkNibbleArray[] skyLight,
BobbyConfig config
) {
return () -> {
ChunkPos pos = chunk.getPos();
World world = chunk.getWorld();
ChunkSection[] chunkSections = chunk.getSectionArray();

boolean hasSkyLight = world.getDimension().hasSkyLight();
ChunkManager chunkManager = world.getChunkManager();
LightingProvider lightingProvider = chunkManager.getLightingProvider();
ChunkLightProviderExt blockLightProvider = ChunkLightProviderExt.get(lightingProvider.get(LightType.BLOCK));
ChunkLightProviderExt skyLightProvider = ChunkLightProviderExt.get(lightingProvider.get(LightType.SKY));

for (int i = -1; i < chunkSections.length + 1; i++) {
int y = world.sectionIndexToCoord(i);
if (blockLightProvider != null) {
blockLightProvider.bobby_addSectionData(ChunkSectionPos.from(pos, y).asLong(), blockLight[i + 1]);
if (skyLightProvider != null && hasSkyLight) {
skyLightProvider.bobby_addSectionData(ChunkSectionPos.from(pos, y).asLong(), skyLight[i + 1]);


// MC lazily loads block entities when they are first accessed.
// It does so in a thread-unsafe way though, so if they are first accessed from e.g. a render thread, this
// will cause threading issues (afaict thread-unsafe access to a chunk's block entities is still a problem
// even in vanilla, e.g. if a block entity is removed while it is accessed, but apparently no one at Mojang
// has run into that so far). To work around this, we force all block entities to be initialized
// immediately, before any other code gets access to the chunk.
for (BlockPos blockPos : chunk.getBlockEntityPositions()) {


return chunk;

// This method is called before the original chunk is unloaded and needs to return a supplier
// that can be called after the chunk has been unloaded to load a fake chunk in its place.
// It also returns a fake chunk immediately that isn't loaded into the game (yet) but can safely
// be serialized on another thread.
public static Pair<WorldChunk, Supplier<WorldChunk>> shallowCopy(WorldChunk original) {
BobbyConfig config = Bobby.getInstance().getConfig();

World world = original.getWorld();
ChunkPos chunkPos = original.getPos();

ChunkSection[] chunkSections = original.getSectionArray();

ChunkNibbleArray[] blockLight = new ChunkNibbleArray[chunkSections.length + 2];
ChunkNibbleArray[] skyLight = new ChunkNibbleArray[chunkSections.length + 2];
LightingProvider lightingProvider = world.getChunkManager().getLightingProvider();
for (int y = lightingProvider.getBottomY(), i = 0; y < lightingProvider.getTopY(); y++, i++) {
blockLight[i] = lightingProvider.get(LightType.BLOCK).getLightSection(ChunkSectionPos.from(chunkPos, y));
skyLight[i] = lightingProvider.get(LightType.SKY).getLightSection(ChunkSectionPos.from(chunkPos, y));

FakeChunk fake = new FakeChunk(world, chunkPos, chunkSections);
fake.blockLight = blockLight;
fake.skyLight = skyLight;

for (Map.Entry<Heightmap.Type, Heightmap> entry : original.getHeightmaps()) {
fake.setHeightmap(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

NbtList blockEntitiesTag = new NbtList();
for (BlockPos pos : original.getBlockEntityPositions()) {
NbtCompound blockEntityTag = original.getPackedBlockEntityNbt(pos);
if (blockEntityTag != null) {
if (!config.isNoBlockEntities()) {
fake.serializedBlockEntities = blockEntitiesTag;

return Pair.of(fake, loadChunk(fake, blockLight, skyLight, config));

private static ChunkNibbleArray floodSkylightFromAbove(ChunkNibbleArray above) {
if (above.isUninitialized()) {
return new ChunkNibbleArray();
} else {
byte[] aboveBytes = above.asByteArray();
byte[] belowBytes = new byte[2048];

// Copy the bottom-most slice from above, 16 time over
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
System.arraycopy(aboveBytes, 0, belowBytes, i * 128, 128);

return new ChunkNibbleArray(belowBytes);

private static void logRecoverableError(ChunkPos chunkPos, int y, String message) {
LOGGER.error("Recoverable errors when loading section [" + chunkPos.x + ", " + y + ", " + chunkPos.z + "]: " + message);

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