Eesen is a toolkit to build speech recognition (ASR) systems in a completely end-to-end fashion. The goal of Eesen is to simplify the existing complicated, expertise-intensive ASR pipeline into a straightforward learning problem. Acoustic modeling in Eesen involves training a single recurrent neural network (RNN) which models the sequence-to-sequence mapping from speech to transcripts. Eesen discards the following elements required by the existing ASR pipeline:
- Hidden Markov models (HMMs)
- Gaussian mixture models (GMMs)
- Decision trees and phonetic questions
- Dictionary, if characters are used as the modeling units
- ...
Eesen is developed on the basis of the popular Kaldi toolkit. However, Eesen is fully self-contained, requiring no dependencies from Kaldi to funciton.
Eesen is released as an open-source project under the highly non-restrictive Apache License Version 2.0. We welcome community contribution.
Eesen was created and has been maintained by Yajie Miao from Carnegie Mellon University. Email Yajie Miao if you have any questions or suggestions.
- By directly modeling Madarin characters, Eesen gets the CER% of 35.47% on the HKUST Mandarin Telephone Speech corpus. This is a better number than reported by the Kaldi systems. [recipe]
- On Switchboard, Eesen gets the WER% of 15.7% on Hub5'00-SWBD, and 28.0% on Hub5'00. [recipe]
For more informaiton, please refer to our manuscript:
EESEN: End-to-End Speech Recognition using Deep RNN Models and WFST-based Decoding.
Eesen contains 3 key components to enable end-to-end ASR:
- Acoustic Model -- Bi-directional RNNs with LSTM units.
- Training -- Connectionist temporal classification (CTC) as the training objective.
- Decoding -- A principled decoding approach based on Weighted Finite-State Transducers (WFSTs).
- The WFST-based decoding approach can incorporate lexicons and language models into CTC decoding in an effective and efficient way.
- GPU implementation of RNN model training and CTC learning.
- Multiple utterances are processed in parallel for training speed-up.
- Inherits Kaldi's programming stype. Convenient to implement new modules.
- Fully-fledged example setups to demonstrate end-to-end system building, with both phonemes and characters as labels.
Refer to RESULTS under each example setup.
- Example setups on more datasets.
- More Wiki documentation.
- Investigate Eesen's performance on different languages and conditions (noisy, far-field, etc.).
- Accelerate model training using better learning techniques or multi-GPU distributed learning.
- ...