Initially commissioned by a client who had an issue with negative reviews affecting thier ratings on popular review sites, this package was designed to be used in conjunction with a custom review site for the client. Basically, the idea was to create a custom review website for the clients customers. The client would give the URL to each customer asking that they write a review of thier experience. If the customer indicates a negative experience, the web app asks the customer to describe the issues with thier service which are then forwarded directly to the client. If the customer indicates a positive experience, they are automatically encouraged to write a review on one of several popular review websites (including Yelp, Facebook, Google, Houzz, ect). This manager allows the client to log in and manage multiple service locations with custom review links for each.
This is currently in use at and is in the process of being marketed as a custom service offered by MGH, Inc. I also developed a website to advertise the service which can be viewed at