This repo is for my presentation at PyData 2017.
It demonstrates how to utilize Keras' pretrained ResNet50 convolutional neural network and scikit-learns K-nearest neighbors for a reverse image search enginer.
There is no requirements.txt
file, becuase configuring tensorflow and keras can be finicky.
I ran the code use Keras with Tensorflow and just one nvidia k80 GPU.
Here is a video.
Copyright (c) 2018 Leon Yin. All Rights Reserved.
If you use this method in your research please cite this as:
author = {Leon Yin},
title = {Reverse Image Search Using Out-of-the-box Machine Learning Libraries},
howpublished= {Paper presented at PyData 2017, New York NY},
year = {2017}
Conversely if this software was helpful you can cite it as:
author = {Leon Yin},
title = {ReverseImageSearch},
year = {2017}
howpublished = {},
I am trying to build a UI for this to be used at Data & Society and journalists.
Thanks for stopping by! Please contact me over social media or elsewhere if you have any questions, concerns, or post an Issue if anything looks funky.