zimg is a light image storage and processing system. It's written by C and it has high performance in image field. There is a benchmark test report with more infomation: Benchmark. zimg is designed for high concurrency image server. It supports many features for uploading and downloading images.
Homepage: zimg.buaa.us
Author: @招牌疯子
Contact me: [email protected]
- 06/15/2014 - zimg 2.3.0 Release. Supported browser cache feature.
- 06/10/2014 - zimg 2.2.0 Release. Fixed memory leak in imagemagick.
- 05/18/2014 - zimg 2.1.0 Release. Added IP access control module.
- 04/26/2014 - zimg 2.0.0 Release. Supported distributed storage backends.
- 03/10/2014 - zimg 1.1.0 Release. Supported SSDB storage.
- 08/01/2013 - zimg 1.0.0 Release.
We stand on the shoulders of giants.
libevent: Provides a sophisticated framework for buffered network IO.
imagemagick: A software suite to create, edit, compose, or convert bitmap images.
libmemcached: LibMemcached is designed to provide the greatest number of options to use Memcached.
lua: Lua is a lightweight multi-paradigm programming language designed as a scripting language with extensible semantics as a primary goal.
memcached: A distributed memory object caching system.
beansdb: Beansdb is a distributed key-value storage system designed for large scale online system, aiming for high avaliablility and easy management.
beanseye: Beanseye is proxy and monitor for beansdb, written in Go.
SSDB: SSDB is a high performace key-value(key-string, key-zset, key-hashmap) NoSQL database, an alternative to Redis.
twemproxy: Twemproxy is a fast and lightweight proxy for memcached and redis protocol.
zimg contains libevhtp and libhiredis. You needn't install them now.
libevhtp: A more flexible replacement for libevent's httpd API.
hiredis: Hiredis is a minimalistic C client library for the Redis database.
Receive and storage users' upload images.
Transfer image through HTTP protocol.
Process resized and grayed image by request parameter.
Use memcached to improve performance.
Multi-thread support for multi-core processor server.
Use lua for conf and other functions.
Support beansdb/SSDB mode to save images into distributed storage backends.
IP access control for uploading and downloading images.
Performance optimization.
Security measures.
There is an architecture design document of zimg v1.0. It is written in Chinese.
Architecture Design of zimg
And this document is to introduce zimg v2.0.
Distributed Image Storage Server: zimg
The architecture of zimg's storage:
The source code is licensed under a BSD-like License.
All versions on Github.
You should build dependences above and make sure the beansdb, beanseye or ssdb backend is working well.
git clone https://github.com/buaazp/zimg
cd zimg
cd bin
./zimg conf/zimg.lua
More infomation of building zimg in guide book: Guide Book of zimg
--zimg server config
--server config
system=io.popen("uname -s"):read("*l")
--localcache config
--access config
--support mask rules like "allow"
--NOTE: remove rule can improve performance
upload_rule="allow;deny all"
download_rule="allow all"
--cache config
--log config
--htdoc config
--storage config
--zimg support 3 ways for storage images
--mode[1]: local disk mode
--mode[2]: beansdb mode
--mode[3]: ssdb mode
If you have any question, please submit comment here or mention me on Weibo.
Technical issues are also welcomed to be submitted on GitHub.