WebRTC/RTSP/RTMP/HTTP/HLS/HTTP-FLV/WebSocket-FLV/HTTP-TS/HTTP-fMP4/WebSocket-TS/WebSocket-fMP4/GB28181/SRT server and client framework based on C++11
Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Webrtc SDK is for developers to install and customize realtime communication between devices and enable secure streaming of video, audio to Kinesis Video Streams.
C/C++ WebRTC network library featuring Data Channels, Media Transport, and WebSockets
node-webrtc is a Node.js Native Addon that provides bindings to WebRTC M87
Qt PjSIP API wrapper interface for the C API
C++11 implementation of Socket.IO client
RTCMultiConnection is a WebRTC JavaScript library for peer-to-peer applications (screen sharing, audio/video conferencing, file sharing, media streaming etc.)
P2P Webrtc VideoConference 视频通话 视频会议