- 题目都以四位数字开头,以便文件可以按照题目的顺序排列,比如
Problems Conclusion
- Array(fixed), Dynamic Array, Matrix -- TODO
- List, ArrayList, LinkedList
- Hash Table
- TreeSet/TreeMap (ordered)
- HashSet/HashMap(unordered)
- Tree
- Stack & Queue
- Graph
- Trie
- Pair/Tuple
- Customized data structure
- String
- 排序, Sort
- Recursion
- Memorization
- Divide and Conquer
- 递归中通常都会用到backtracking
- Backtracking
- [Two Pointer](数据结构与算法.md/#Sliding-Window-+-Two Pointers)
- Binary Search
- Dynamic Programming
- Greedy
- Bit Manipulation
- Depth-First Search
- Breadth-First Search
- Union Find
- Topological Sort
- Sliding Window
- Sampling
- Math(数学)
- Quick Search & Quick Sort
Moved to 数据结构与算法题目归类.md
- Class java.lang.Math
- Class java.util.Random
- Class java.lang.String
- Interface java.lang.Comparable
- the type of objects that this object may be compared to.int compareTo(T o)
- Compares this object with the specified object for order.⚠️ 注意: 要返回的类型为int
- Basic Calculators
- Next Greater Element
- Trapping Rain Water (
, LC 42,84,85) - Lowest Common Ancestor
- Google Java Style Guide
- Alibaba-Java-Coding-Guidelines
- Java开发手册(阿里)
- Java开发手册(黄山版) [2022.02.03]
- Leetcode 总结
- 美國軟體工程師求職心得
- GYee/CV_interviews_Q-A
- bhaveshAn/leetcode
- 胖头龙的咸鱼刷题笔记-算法篇
- 博客园 CNoodle Let the code speak for you.
What are the environments for the programming languages?
- Includes Pair class from https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/javafx/api/javafx/util/Pair.html.
- Google Drive, LeetCode打卡记录
- CNoodle, LeetCode题目总结
- CNoodle, LeetCode题目总结, 腾讯文档
- 一亩三分地: [其他] 关于算法的一点总结
- 【小小福讲算法】硅谷工程师十五分钟带你深入理解 Recursion (递归)算法,及其衍生出的算法(分治算法Divide and Conquer, 回溯 Backtracking)
- LeetCode in Go
- LeetCode 101:和你一起你轻松刷题(C++)
- 分享|如何科学刷题?
一些有用的GitHub Repos:
- https://github.com/nalmoussa/coding-practice
- https://github.com/greatday4april/interview_training
- https://github.com/alvaroserrrano/codingInterviewQuestions
- https://github.com/jasonleakey/Algorithms
- https://github.com/kamyu104/LeetCode-Solutions
- https://github.com/ppsirker/dsalgo
- https://github.com/mission-peace/interview
- https://github.com/ayushupneja/InterviewPrep
- https://github.com/interviewdiscussion/files
- https://github.com/Sanqiang/Algorithm-Linux
- https://github.com/VincentUCLA/Personal-Notes
- https://github.com/PriyankaKhire/ProgrammingPracticePython
- https://github.com/jiangdapeng/asuwill-interview-code
- https://github.com/shua2018ti/airbnb-interview-problems
- https://github.com/nyghtowl/Interview_Problems
- https://github.com/tvandame/back-end-developer-interview-questions
- https://github.com/darcyclarke/Front-end-Developer-Interview-Questions
- https://github.com/lingduoduo/Coding
- https://github.com/medmunds/how-to-hire-a-rockstar