railsbox is Ruby on Rails virtual machine configurator. You can quickly create virtual machine for development using this tool. Mac OS X, Linux and Windows host machines are supported.
You will need VirtualBox, vagrant and ansible to bootstrap new machine using configuration created by this utility. ansible is not required for Windows, railsbox will use shell scripts to install and run ansible inside guest machine.
You can choose between Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. Base boxes provided by vagrantcloud.
It's possible to install Ruby either with rvm, rbenv or using brightbox apt repository.
Supported servers are:
It's possible to install the following databases:
- PostgreSQL
- MongoDB
- redis
- sidekiq
- resque
- delayed_job
vim-sensible and vim-rails are automatically installed.
railsbox is constantly improving. The following is in our TODO list for future releases:
- Multi-environment support (ability to apply the same playbooks for production / staging)
- Add ability to deploy to various platforms supported by vagrant - Parallels, VMWare, EC2
- Add additional server options (Passenger, puma, thin)
- Add memcached
- Add elasticsearch
- Add MariaDB
- Add CouchDB
- Add SMTP server
All kind of contributions are always welcomed.