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Starting the Project

I used the npm create vue@latest command to create a project with minimum help. I will add features that I need later

alt text

Instructions to run

  • I used node v18.20.2 and npm v10.5.0. Please, make sure to use a minimum of these versions or above.
  • Create an environment file from the sample.

Dont forget to install dependencies first

npm install

You can follow the commands below according to your needs

Compile and Hot-Reload for Development

Before running the application please make sure you have created an .env file like the sample

npm run dev

Type-Check, Compile, and Minify for Production

npm run build

Lint with ESLint

npm run lint

Run tests

npm run test


Git Setup

I initialized the git, targeted my git repository and force pushed to skip the main branch protection

git init
git remote add origin
git add -A
git commit -m 'init'
git checkout -b main
git push --set-upstream origin main  --force

Adding Router

I followed the instructions on the documentation

 npm add vue-router@4

I added a router file, views to navigate with lazy loading, and configured the App component and the entry point

Adding Sass and setting up styles

I set up sass for style sheets and added some configuration to make style sheets available in components

 npm add sass --save-dev

Adding axios for Rest Calls

I added Axios for API calls. It's easy to use and it has interceptor functionality to modify or process the requests and responses. I read the API_URL from the environment file. Please make sure you have a valid environment file like the sample

 npm install axios --save-dev

Adding Pinia for state management

I have used Pinia for state management and handled all data processes in it

 npm install pinia

Route Resolvers

I will use route resolvers to fetch data before rendering...

import { useShowStore } from '@/store/show'
import type { NavigationGuardNext, RouteLocationNormalized } from 'vue-router'

export async function showsResolver(
  to: RouteLocationNormalized,
  from: RouteLocationNormalized,
  next: NavigationGuardNext
) {
  /// first load data
  await useShowStore().fetchShows()

Coding the app

For this step, you can check the commit history. I created the application according to the requirements. From now on I'll add tests, correct the application logic if there is something missed and I'll add more functionalities If I have time. (12.05.24 15.00)

Adding Unit Tests

I used the new vitest library, vue-test-utils for unit tests and I added/updated configurations (hit the commit history for details)

 npm install vitest
 npm install @vue/test-utils


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